Training A Puppy Proves Far Too Difficult: Website Launches To Prove You Wrong
Online, March 31, 2010 ( - We all know how difficult it can be training a puppy, or a dog of any age for that matter. This is why a new website, dogtrainingvideos . info has been set up, to give you a real hand - on view on how these people do it. More importantly, how you can do it for yourself! With so much content on the website itself, we can give you just a quick run down of what to expect and how they can help you. They have categories on teaching dog obedience, walking a dog, dog schools and even an area specifically designed for the dog trainer! All of these links within the website take you to Google ad results for the things you need. What better way than to have everything at the touch of a button? All of the guidance and support that you need all in one place.
One of the main reasons people decide it is time to start training a puppy, is when he/she starts to chew at the furniture or shoes, particularly common with Labrador dogs. There are two more commonly used techniques used my Labrador owners. These are either making a loud noise that the puppy doesn't like so that he drops whatever it is he is chewing and then replacing it with a toy for him to play with/chew on. The other is a chew spray, which you simply spray on to the furniture etc that the puppy is chewing and as it is not very nice tasting, but not at all harmful, he will soon be leaving it alone. And you will soon be using this as part of your every day training a puppy schedule!
Toilet training is also a vital part to training a puppy. There are key times common in most puppies that they will need to use the puppy room! These are mainly first thing in a morning, after a meal or after a play session, after a nap or last thing at night. When training a puppy, surveys have shown the following method has proven the most accurate, with 7/10 dog owners/dog trainers using it. If you use a word every time your puppy is relieving himself such as "busy" or "potty", your puppy will learn to associate the word with the action, and possibly even begin to go on command! Also, make sure to give them plenty of fuss and affection and a lot of treats so that he/she knows they have done something good when done in the right place!
The other basic info available on the websites videos are useful tips on how to go about training your puppy, such as 10 - 15 minutes training per day every day being the correct amount of time spent. Also, only one person should introduce your puppy to any new command, and you should use only one command to start with and keep on reinforcing this.
In order to train your puppy, you will need to know more in detail about all of these key ingredients, and you can find all of these and more at trainyourdogvideos . info.
Please take a look, and make sure you do these things right and get all the advice on training a puppy in the correct manner, as what they learn at the early stages of their lives affects how they behave for the rest of it! You can even subscribe to a weekly video alert to continue receiving the guidance we all need from time to time!
Tags: dog training, training a puppy, training your dog