TranscribePod transcribe Enterprise Ireland podcasts

TranscribePod have been chosen to transcribe Enterprise Ireland eBusiness Unit Podcasts to make them available to a wider audience

TranscribePod, Ireland's first podcast transcription to text company today announced that they have completed the transcription of Enterprise Ireland's eBusiness podcast archive which are now available on the dedicated eBusiness website

By offering these podcasts in readable text format they will now be available for the first time to those who have hearing difficulties or for those whose first language is not English will now find it easier to access the content which can now digested at their own pace. Both of these demographics are often overlooked by content providers.

Eoin OʼSiochru of Enterprise Ireland stated "Having the podcasts available in audio and now text format extends the reach of this important subject matter to an audience that has been over looked in the past."

Now the eBusiness Unitʼs podcast will be indexable by search engines such as Google, which will allow people who are searching online for information contained within the podcasts to find them. This indexing not only will help drive more traffic to the eBusiness Unit website, but will also assist in the Search Engine rankings of the eBusiness Unit website.

"Transcription in 2009 isnʼt a secretary listening to a cassette tape typing away on an old type writer, itʼs something cool that allows you to reach audiences which have been forgotten in the past and also makes your content more easily found in search engines while also adding to the amount of content you have available on your website, which will help with your search engine optimisation" said Wayne Dunne of TranscribePod.

TranscribePod, Irelandʼs first podcast transcription company is a start up based in Mountmellick, Laois, offering podcast transcription services to assist content producers to increase their audience base, while improving accessibility and search engine rankings. For more information on TranscribePod and podcast transcription visit

Enterprise Irelandʼs eBusiness podcast is designed to keep business managers informed on emerging trends and issuing relating to their online presence. In each podcast industry experts and thought leaders discuss a wide variety of internet related topics facing businesses engaged in the online space.

For more information contact Wayne Dunne - [email protected]


Tags: podcast, podcast transcription, podcasting, transcribepod, transcription

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Wayne Dunne
Press Contact, TranscribePod
Wolfe Tone Street, Mountmellick