Translation Back Office, the Global Translation Services Provider, Translates Guidebook on Private Standards for UNIDO

The UNIDO guidebook on private standards for exporters in developing countries entitled "Making private standards work for you," is now available in Spanish thanks to Translation Back Office, the Global translation services provider.

Translation Back Office, the professional language translation company, translates a guidebook in Spanish for the United Nations Industrial Development Guide (UNIDO). The guidebook is called "Making private standards work for you: A guide to private standards in the garments, footwear and furniture sectors."

UNIDO´s guidebook was published to help exporters in developing countries access global production and supply chains. These private standards or norms help to promote social development as well as environmental sustainability in global value chains. It is said that the guidebook provides invaluable information on what producers will face when entering business with major buyers and retailers.

Translation Back Office has extensive experience in professional document translation services as well as English to Spanish language translation services and was eager to take part in this project with UNIDO. The guidebook, which consisted of over 70 pages, was translated into Spanish by Translation Back Office.

The guidebook can be viewed and downloaded on the UNIDO website at

For more information, please feel free to contact Jeff Weiser, Business Development Manager, at [email protected] or by phone at 1-888-803-4217 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1-888-803-4217 end_of_the_skype_highlighting.


Tags: english to spanish language tran, global translation services, professional language translatio

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