Travel Blogger Launches Kickstarter Project, A Children's Book That Teaches Children Manners For Riding Airplanes.

Seasoned family travel blogger writes an educational and fun children's book aimed to promote better behavior for traveling on airplanes and looks to Kickstarter for funding.

Hilarye Fuller is a seasoned family travel blogger and has now put her skills to good use, by writing a children's book that teaches children manners for riding on airplanes. A book she hopes will make everyone's travels a little more comfortable.

With over four years of experience flying on airplanes with small children, Fuller saw a need for a fun tool to teach kids how not to kick the seat in front of them and to use quiet voices, among many other things. Knowing that children respond well to books with funny characters, Fuller sat down and wrote a guide designed for children and parents to achieve desirable behavior through the airplane travel process.

The book is titled: Monsters Don't Ride On Airplanes and spells out why these grouchy characters are not welcome on airplanes. They are messy, they expose their smelly feet, they don't wait their turn in line, etc. A fun and effective way for children to understand that these behaviors are not courteous to those around them.

The 30 day Kickstarter project was launched to help Fuller and her team raise the funds to illustrate the book, for the purpose of design and formatting, and a small marketing budget for once the book is finished. Fuller plans on self publishing on Amazon and iTunes in a digital format to make it easily accessible while traveling.

For more information on Monsters Don't Ride Airplanes Project, please check out the Kickstarter Page, or by visiting Dotting The Map, Fuller's travel blog.


Tags: children's books, crowd funding, family travel, self-publishing

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