Travel Memoir- A Spiritual Hitchhike Through France.

Some of us just need to go to greater travel extremes than others on the path to self-discovery.

Travel Memoir: A Spiritual Hitchhike through France- Emerging artist and author Gerald Freeman has traveled the world to find peace within. Those experiences now appear in his Get a Life memoir series. The latest release, I Don’t Believe God Wrote the Bible, finds his younger self on a quest for spiritual enlightenment in France. A vagabond approach to travel makes it possible to discover what matters most in life.

Freeman, a teacher and sculptor, uses his writing to explore how his travels enabled him to make peace with the mental and physical abuse he endured while growing up. The most endearing memoirs not only entertain the reader with adventures, but offer insights on how to live. A print and e-book version is now available via Amazon and other major book distributors.

"I believe the very fact that the truth shocks people means there is a dire need for more of it in the world. By sharing our experiences on this planet Earth, we make each other stronger."

Gerald Freeman, Author

Readers of Freeman’s writing will connect with his directness. On the matter of truth in writing, the author responded, “I believe the very fact that the truth shocks people means there is a dire need for more of it in the world. By sharing our experiences on this planet Earth, we make each other stronger.”

While wanderlust drives Freeman’s series, the deeper implications of his memoirs shed light on the internal struggle everyone faces in forging an identity. Some of us just need to go to greater travel extremes than others on the path to self-discovery. 

Gerald Freeman follows his heart all over the planet so he can identify with people and share those experiences and emotions with readers. He also expresses himself through art, principally sculpture and has been selected as a “best pick” in Emerging Artist ward Dubai 2011 

He is available for media interviews and can be reached via email at  gerryonimo at More information can be found at his author website:



Tags: France, Life, memoirs, self discovery, travel

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I am an English author, who writes about life and the weird and wonderful characters I meet along the way.

GF Books