Travel To Go San Diego Sponsors Wounded Warrior Project

Travel To Go San Diego offers reviews of fantastic vacation destinations. Travel To Go Destinations are affordable, luxurious and great for the entire family or romantic weekends. Jeanette Bunn Tommy Middaugh & Travel To Go making dreams come true.

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Travel To Go is the proud sponsor of two bands, White Boy James and the Blues Express and Johnny Mastro and the Mama's Boys that will be appearing at the " Right to Ride Free Run" to benefit The Wounded Warrior Projectâ„¢ (WWP).

The event will be held June 2, 2012 at The Trap, Lancaster, CA. White Boy James and the Blues Express,
is one of the legendary bands that emerged from the California Blues Explosion in the 80's and 90's, reunited in 2006, and completed a nationwide tour in 2011 while releasing their second album, Extreme Makeover! Johnny Mastro and the Mama's Boys have recorded numerous albums and have previously been named by the LA Music Awards as "Best Blues Band."

Tommy Middaugh is Travel To Go's Executive V.P. of Business Management and his son, Richard Middaugh, serves with the U.S. Army and will be deployed soon. Middaugh says that "Jeanette Bunn and I are happy to be able to work with Mike Minton and Chuck Robison to plan and support the event. The more people that attend, the more money that can be generated. Helping to create awareness of the service men and women that have given so much for their country and helping them to find a way to reintegrate back into life when they return is extremely important to us and Travel To Go. Our support of charitable causes such as this is an integral part of the company."

The Wounded Warrior Project exists to honor and empower wounded warriors who incur service-connected wounds, injuries, and illnesses on or after September 11, 2001. With advancements in battlefield medicine and body armor, an unprecedented percentage of service members are surviving severe wounds or injuries. In Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom, for every U.S. soldier killed, seven are wounded. The Wounded Warrior Project's goal is to foster the most successful and well-adjusted generation of wounded service members in the nation's history. The organization raises awareness and enlists the public's aid for the needs of injured service men, helps the injured aid and assist each other while providing unique and direct programs and services to meet the needs of the injured.

Travel to Go offers travel benefits and services to a loyal customer base of 50,000 members and is currently celebrating 21 years in the vacation and travel industry. The company prides itself on its 5-Star service standards and achievement of its mission to "Making Dreams Come True."


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