Trigger Path Launches The Dealer Blueprint To Provide Auto Dealer SEO and Dealer Rankings

Trigger Path, a local Denver SEO and Local Internet Search solution provider is launching The Dealer Blueprint for Auto Dealer SEO and Dealer rankings this coming week, starting November 1st.

Trigger Path, a local Denver SEO and Local Internet Search solution provider is launching the Dealer Blueprint this coming week, starting November 1st. The Dealer Blueprint is the answer to Dealer SEO and Dealer rankings on the internet. Why? Because it models success from the top 1% of dealers around the country. Trigger Path studied the top ranking auto dealers nationally to understand their Dealer SEO strategies, Dealer Social Media strategies and their Dealer local search optimization strategies. From these months of study Trigger Path came away with a Dealer Blueprint that models their success and brings that knowledge to their Auto Dealer clients.

The solution was built to the specific needs and concerns of dealers and people in the industry. Some of the main points of the solution follow. The Dealer Blueprint is offered to clients with exclusivity by brand and by geographic area. Being number one in the rankings is so important that Trigger Path doesn't see how vendors could ethically work for competing Dealers in the same geographic footprint. Also, it is a month to month arrangement with no long term contracts. This was decided based on feedback from dealers who seemed to be very annoyed with the long term contracts and the inevitable drop in customer service that occurred once the ink dried.

The Dealer Blueprint is designed to work harmoniously with a Dealer's existing team. Ex: Website, Pay Per Click, Ad Agencies, and a Dealer's sales staff. It is also accountable to performance tracking. The process is transparent and results will be too. The Dealer Blueprint runs virtually on autopilot from the Dealer's perspective, but takes hard, smart, consistent work from Trigger Path's team. The Dealer should be focused on their core business while Trigger Path focuses on their rankings. The last thing the Dealers need is more work.

The Dealer Blueprint tracks a Dealer's competitors and watches what they are doing online. When they make a significant move with their SEO a Dealer will have the Trigger Path team watching out for them and countering that movement.


Tags: automotive seo, dealer blueprint, dealer rankings, dealer seo, denver seo

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Jeff Wilson
Press Contact, Dealer Blueprint
Dealer Blueprint
Denver, CO
Denver, CO 80209