Trouvus Launched a New Revolutionary Recommendations Platform

A unique recommendations platform that provides a new way of delivering personalized content suggestions to the customers of online web services.

Trouvus, a supplier of advanced recommendations solutions, unveiled today the Trouvus Recommendations Platform, a robust new generation recommendations platform targeted at online media, entertainment and video streaming services providers. Using API based platform, the service providers can deliver real-time content suggestions to their customers. The personalized recommendations produced by the platform are highly relevant and tailored to each customer's taste, need and desire. The proven technology will contribute to metrics related to the success of the web services such as larger order size, quicker purchase decisions, higher conversion rate and improved customer loyalty.

Nowshade Kabir, the co-founder and CEO of the company explained, “Today all online services are facing steep market competition and eroding brand loyalty. The visitors expect to see not just a large quantity of the available content on the site, they also would like to have an exposure to the most relevant and desirable content instantly. Failures to deliver the right content at the right time make them leave the site immediately. Companies need to be serious about customer engagement and understand that right type of interaction with customers influences on their purchase decision, time they spend on the site and their overall satisfaction. Benefits from better customer satisfaction for the company include significant revenue growth.  Personalized recommendations are the answer to improved customer engagement.”

Recommendation solutions allow web services to take advantage of the big data sitting in their repositories and extract immediate values for their business as well as for the customers. More companies are discovering that delivering recommendations are not costlier than running an advertisement campaign. On the contrary, it is affordable, and it directly affects the revenue growth while the whole process takes only several days to setup.

By incorporating Trouvus Recommendations solution, the web services will not just achieve significant improvement in conversion rate but also will be able to enhance the site’s ability to monitor and understand user preferences better and modify the services in accordance with the customers requirement.

Trouvus Recommendations Platform is a robust, cloud-based solution that uses sophisticated machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms to deliver best-in-class recommendations. Unlike most other recommendations solutions offerings, which require complex learning process, long deployment time, and deep technical knowledge, this Platform is specifically designed for business users. It can be integrated to the web services in a matter of days and immediately deliver most intuitive and satisfying suggestions to the customers.

The platform is available immediately. For more information contact [email protected] or visit

Media Contact:
Alina Adams
1 (800) 317 0805
[email protected]


Tags: recommendation software, recommendation systems, recommendations, recommendations system, recommender engine