Trucks in Brazil 2015 - Industry Report:

The Trucks in Brazil 2015 industry report covers the unprecedented decreases the industry is currently experiencing.

The Trucks in Brazil 2015 industry report covers the unprecedented decreases the industry is currently experiencing. While vehicle production overall has been on the decline in the South American country, truck production has been particularly hard hit. This industry report by Bras Research delves into the industry`s historical growth, projected growth as well as trends and the current and future states of trucks in Brazil. Moreover, the report covers the industry`s competitive landscape and local production. Finally, the industry report touches briefly on employment in the industry. Ideal for truck manufacturers in Brazil or looking to entering the market as well as periphery businesses serving the truck industry

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Table of Contents

About Bras Research, Macroeconomic Analysis, Trucks in 2015, Overview, Truck Trade, Growth - Historical, Growth - Projected, Trends in Trucks, Current State and Future of Trucks, Competitive Landscape, Local Production, Jobs in Trucks, Contact Information

List of Tables

Number of trucks exported – 2011-2016, Number of semi-light trucks exported – 2011-2016, Number of light trucks exported – 2011-2016, Number of medium trucks exported – 2011-2016, Number of semi-heavy trucks exported – 2011-2016, Number of heavy trucks exported – 2011-2016, Number of total trucks sold yearly – 2011-2015, Number of semi-light trucks sold yearly – 2011-2015, Number of light trucks sold yearly – 2011-2015, Number of medium trucks sold yearly – 2011-2015, Number of semi-heavy trucks sold yearly – 2011-2015, Number of heavy trucks sold yearly – 2011-2015, Number of total trucks sold yearly – 2013-2016, Number of semi-light trucks sold yearly – 2013-2016, Number of light trucks sold yearly – 2013-2016, Number of medium trucks sold yearly – 2013-2016, Number of semi-heavy trucks sold yearly – 2013-2016, Number of heavy trucks sold yearly – 2013-2016, Number of used trucks sold yearly – 2010-2015, Top 10 truck manufacturers based on number of trucks sold - 2015, Manufacturer growth based on sales 2014 - 2015, Change in ranking from 2014 based on number of vehicles sold, Country of origin based on trucks sold - 2015, Truck factories in Brazil - Midwest region- 2015, Truck factories in Brazil - North region- 2015, Truck factories in Brazil - South region - 2015, Truck factories in Brazil - Southeast region- 2015, Number of jobs from automotives – 2012-2015

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Tags: Automotive Market Research Reports, Industry Research Reports, Market Research Reports, Trucks Industry Report, Trucks Industry Report in Brazil