Trust Deed Investments Power a Smart Retirement Strategy

Federal Home Loans Corporation shows trust deed investing is a powerful tool in the retirement investing arsenal.

San Diego, CA October 7, 2009 - "Never before has investing for retirement been a riskier proposition with the economy going topsy turvy as it has," says Joe Salas, CEO of Federal Home Loans Corporation, a leader in trust deed investing. "Because of this, trust deed investment as a retirement strategy is becoming more popular."

Trust deed investing is a sophisticated financial instrument promising high return on relatively low risk. At its most basic, trust deed investing is the underwriting of real estate loans. An investor (or investors) works with a trust deed investment company to offer loans on real estate. The investor or his trustee (a title company) holds the title until the loan has been paid off-essentially taking what is usually the role of the bank in the lending process.

Where pension funds, mutual funds, IRAs and other Wall Street-based investments make for highly-variable returns, the stability and often superior performance of the trust deed investment makes it an attractive alternative. Trust deed investing has the potential to offer a 10% return or higher on investment.

Federal Home Loans Corporation has been a leader in trust deed investing and the private lending industry for over thirty years.

If you would like more information on this topic or to schedule an interview with a Federal Home Loans Corporation representative, please call 858 560-6555 or visit


Tags: real estate investing, real estate loans, trust deed investing

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5540 Ruffin Road
San Diego, CA 92123