TSO Mobile Launches Its Public Transportation And GPS Tracking System In 520 Buses In Trinidad & Tobago

A multi million dollar deal to implement a state-of-the-art GPS Tracking System in 520 buses was awarded by the Trinidad & Tobago's Transport Ministry to security company from that country Pegasus Limited & GPS Tracking company TSO Mobile (USA).

The Online GPS Tracking System by TSO Mobile will help keep track in real time of the location of Public Transport Service Corporation (PTSC)'s 520 buses at all times but most important during peak hours. TSO Mobile from USA teamed up with security company Pegasus from Trinidad & Tobago to make this project a reality and to take a step forward for the improvement of this country's public transportation system.

The monitoring will be a great advantage for the control of delayed buses by traffic or accidents, control of routes, maximization of productivity, minimization of costs for PTSC, improvement in driving behaviors, and much more. Also, staff members will not have to deal anymore with manual reports and they will be hooked up to a network of real time alerts. Everything will be automated.

Not only a GPS Tracking system is being implemented in these buses, but also, as mentioned by TSO Mobile's Vice President Mr. Daniel Ocampo, "A full public transportation and fleet management solution is planned for following phases, including the implementation of hardware of the latest technology".

Trinidad & Tobago's Transport Minister Devant Maharaj, mentioned that none of the current public organizations in the country are using a GPS Tracking System.

In the first phase of this project, which started this month of May 2012, the operations department is the entity being directly benefited because of the possibility of monitoring and managing its resources. The second phase will be about the commuters. "Commuters may soon have a better gauge of how long they may have to wait for
buses as the Public Transport Service Corporation unveiled Global Positioning System in some of their Deluxe buses." ~www.ctntworld.com


Tags: GPS Tracking for Public Transpor, gps tracking system, GPS_Tracking, Online GPS Tracking, Public Transportation, Real-Time GPS Tracking

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