TSplus Presents Its New Add-on to Secure Remote Desktop: RDS-Knight Security Essentials

RDS-Knight is a powerful tool developed by TSplus to secure remote connections, monitor login failures, block prohibited or suspicious IPs and prevent unauthorized actions from malicious Remote Desktop users. The "Security Essentials" Edition is the performing yet affordable security toolbox that every RDS Administrator wishes for.
RDS-Knight Security Essentials

A "Must-Have" Security Toolbox for RDS

A breach in Remote Desktop's security can easily have massive and destructive consequences for a business as an attack could ultimately lead to business failure. Without the ability to secure their users' RDS environment, companies will continue to suffer from undetected user-based threats for extended periods of time.

RDS-Knight "Security Essentials" has been designed as an essential Security package to keep remote connections safe with three fundamental protective measures:

  • Brute-Force Attacks Defender to block any malicious attempt to connect. In few clicks, the Administrator is able to shield the RDS server. RDS-Knight monitors failed logins and automatically blacklists the offending IP addresses.
  • Homeland Protection to prevent undesirable connections from foreign countries. It simply restricts access to RDS servers based on the geographical location: only users with IPs coming from an area figuring in the "white list" are able to connect.
  • Working Hours Restrictions to close the access to the server at night. In a snap, Administrators can specify the time slot when users are allowed to open sessions.

Once a security rule is implemented, it automatically applies to all the users connected to the server.

It is the efficient "turn-key" security solution that every RDS Administrator needs in order to protect Remote Access against hackers and robots.

The benefits are the following:

  • Improves Risk Management
  • Simplifies the setting of security policies
  • Facilitates the work of IT administrator and technical support

RDS-Knight Security Essentials Edition is generally available on TSplus Add-ons' store page, for a very attractive price: 49$ per server!

It is also possible to download and try for free the premium protection package offered with RDS-Knight "Ultimate Protection" Edition.

About TSplus Software:

TSplus International worked over a decade to build the best Citrix alternative and its team is at the top of its game. TSplus has developed worldwide class solutions to web-enable any Windows application. TSplus offers the most advanced solutions for Cloud Computing, Web Portal, and Application Publishing services. Their global solutions range from multinational to SMBs. From HR to Finance or IT, see how quickly you can web enable instantly your Windows apps for collaborating, connecting, and increasing productivity. For additional information, visit  www.terminalserviceplus.com or send an e-mail to [email protected] who will be pleased to answer you.

Source: Terminalserviceplus.com


Tags: rdp brute force protection, rdp protection, rdp security risks, rdp tools, rds protection, rds server security, secure rdp connection, secure remote desktop, securing remote connection

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Software Development Company -The complete suite of Remote Access software for IT professionals.

Floriane Mer
Marketing Manager, TSplus
300 Spectrum Center Dr
Irvine, CA 92618
United States