TSplus to Break Into Chinese IT Market

TSplus provides secure remote access from anywhere to more millions of users across every continent. However, one crucial market hasn't yet been explored: China, at the heart of IT global market growth, is the next challenge for TSplus' international development.

TSplus enters Chinese IT market

For 10 years, TSplus has been offering the most affordable and simple alternative to Citrix, Go Global and Windows Remote Desktop solutions. With a development team comprised of a diverse range of experts, TSplus has succeeded by constantly reinventing itself and integrating the most innovative solutions to stay ahead of its market. Today, TSplus is distributed all over the world thanks to a broad network of thousands of resellers who strongly believe in its value and contribute to its everyday improvement. Organizations in all fields, of different sizes and nationalities use TSplus’ impressive capabilities to enjoy secure remote access to desktops and applications from anywhere while saving crucial IT costs. However, a lion’s share of TSplus’ potential clientele, located in China, remains unaware of this incredible opportunity for their business. Today, TSplus has decided to fix this by making its innovative solution accessible to the Chinese market.

China, the “Must-Invest” Place for Software Developers

It’s no secret that China is the fastest growing market in the IT industry, covering software, hardware and all electronic devices and mobile technologies. Thus, it’s only logical that the growing software developer TSplus has chosen Chinese market development as its primary objective for 2018.

China is attractive for its technological opportunities, huge market size, and infinite partnership potential. However, it’s also among the most impenetrable markets for international businesses. The main reason for this is, of course, the Great Firewall, which prevents any Google application — as well as social networks such as Facebook and other big online actors — to be visible on the Chinese internet. This is a serious obstacle for any e-commerce company that wants to penetrate China with its website. As such, TSplus’ first step has been to invest in the creation of a dedicated, fully “localized” website.

TSplus’ Localized Strategy to Penetrate the Chinese Software Market

In February 2018, the TSplus Marketing Director travelled to China to study its market opportunities and meet potential partners. After coming across various international actors and institutions specialized in the development of occidental companies in China, TSplus was able to build its own strategy of attack for this extremely unique market. From these observations, a couple of conclusions could be drawn, starting with a fundamental: China is another world, with its own set of rules. So the first step for TSplus has been a change of mindset – to forget everything done previously, and start thinking differently.

How to Attack the Chinese Market Step-by-Step

  • The first barrier to Chinese e-market is the visibility on the Internet, almost impossible without a localized website. However, only companies with an official presence locally can have their website hosted in mainland China. The requirement is an ICP license provided by the government under restrictions. E-commerce is very much controlled, especially for the IT industry. Thus, TSplus built a Chinese website hosted in Hong Kong, with all-new content written in Simplified Chinese: http://tsplus.cn
  • The second difficulty resides in the strong restrictions for international transfers: foreign actors are forbidden to externalize funds from China, and Chinese customers hardly pay in foreign currency. Western companies need to either have a local entity with a Chinese bank account, or find a local distributor that can receive the payments in RMB and convert them into international currencies to send abroad. This is why TSplus has signed a partnership with Avangate, a Dutch company offering software distribution and payment solutions in multiple currencies.
  • Chinese business culture is very far from its occidental counterpart. Partnerships and distribution agreements are based on personal interactions and shared trust. As such, business relationships are better formed directly, by meeting in person and establishing a strong and lasting dialogue. A contract has less value than in Europe, which is why it is so important to constantly work at maintaining good relationships. A company that is actively networking will see its reputation increase just by word-of-mouth recommendations. For this reason, TSplus decided to hire Jean-Baptiste Deal, a local expert in business development and negotiation. Mr. Deal is the founder of AvantAgents, a consulting company for foreign actors wishing to penetrate the Chinese market. He speaks fluent Chinese and is in charge of developing TSplus’ local network to recruit Chinese IT distributors and resellers.
  • As for marketing, options are limited as Google applications are blocked in China. The same goes for Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Amazon, etc. The solution is simple: promotion must be done through local communication channels, starting with good SEO on the biggest search engine, Baidu. WeChat and Weibo are the equivalents of Facebook and Twitter. And Tencent and Alibaba are the first e-commerce platforms a company should offer its products. To build its online presence and launch an efficient promotional campaign in China, TSplus has entrusted its marketing strategy to Creative Union, a French digital marketing agency based in Beijing.

TSplus is Hopeful About China and the Rest of Eastern Asia

Over the past two months, TSplus has invested time, money and energy to ensure the successful take-off of its sales in China. Very soon, its Chinese website will be ready, along with the store pages in RMB managed by Avangate. It is only a matter of days before TSplus’ Remote Desktop software, RDS-Knight and Server Genius become officially available on the Chinese Internet. Confident in its strategy, TSplus expects to turn a profit by the last quarter of 2018. If the results are positive, further investments will be made in marketing and sales. TSplus’ Asia Director, Mr. Adrian Foo, is ready to back TSplus’ technical support and after-sales service. In the long-term, the goal is to replicate this process in Japan and Korea.

All the best to TSplus on its newest challenge!

For IT professionals located in China or elsewhere who would like to join the TSplus worldwide family, simply download the trial version for 15 days of free use. When pleased with the product, directly contact [email protected] to find out more about their partnership conditions.

Source: Terminal Service Plus


Tags: IT China, IT distribution, IT market, IT resellers, IT world, remote access, remote connection everywhere, remote desktop software, tsplus

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Floriane Mer
Marketing Manager, TSplus
300 Spectrum Center Dr
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