TTN Travel Highlights Travel Products and Services

Site offers recommendations and deals on travel

New site TTN Travel offers users a single, go-to source for the latest information about travel and travel-related services, along with deals to make their next vacation more affordable.

The goals is to give people the chance to have the best trip for the most affordable price and with the least hassle, he said. To make that possible, the site gives users information about services such as Roomorama.

"We want to provide travelers a complete guide. We offer news and tips to plan the perfect trip, as well as information about services to make travel easier and less expensive."

Thomas Nguyen, Owner

“Everyone loves to travel, but no one loves the cost of travel,” the site said. “Hotels are always expensive, and take a huge chunk out of travelers’ budgets. They also don’t give you a real feel for the place you’re visiting and can seem impersonal. Roomorama is a service that allows people to rent rooms, apartments, or houses to stay in while they travel, and allows people with available space to list their own property for rent and make money when they’re not home or not using a room.”

The site also offers information about tour companies that offer packages in Mexico and the United Kingdom, as well as services to make rental cars more affordable.

“No matter where someone wants to go, or what they plan to do, the true key to having the best and safest time, and in making the best choices, is to be in the know,” Nguyen said. “That’s where we come in. We offer expert advice, important news, useful tips and more– like an online traveler’s almanac.”

More information is available at


Tags: Car Services, Hotel Booking, Travel

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