Tuffy Walks for Healthy Hearts at Annual Start! Heart Walk

Toledo based Tuffy Associates Corp. raises over $1900 dollars for the American Heart Association

On Saturday, May 22nd, employees and friends of Toledo based Tuffy Associates Corp. joined together alongside hundreds of other community leaders and residents to help raise research funds and step out against heart disease and stroke.

"Heart disease and stroke are the country's number one and three killers," mentions Barry Unrast, Advertising Executive for Tuffy Associates Corp. "It's imperative that we get the life-saving information to those that need it most. Whether that means raising funds for research or simply being advocates of heart healthy living, Tuffy is a part of the cure."

"Tuffy has participated locally with our organization for over five years," replies Erin Fish from the American Heart Association. "We're lucky to have national organizations in Northwest Ohio like Tuffy support and help embrace healthier lifestyles in our community; especially now more than ever. According to a recent poll conducted by the American Heart Association, Toledo ranks as the fifth worst metro area for women's heart health."

For more information regarding the Start! Heart Walk program, please visit their website at http://www.startheartwalk.org or you may contact American Heart Association representative Erin Fish by phone at (419) 740-6172 or email at erin.fish@heart.org.


Tags: AC, american heart association, auto repair, auto service, brake service, brakes, car repair, Car service, exhaust, heart, heart walk, ohio, oil changes, preventive maintenance, start heart walk, Struts, tire repair, Tires, Toledo

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Barry Unrast
Press Contact, Tuffy Auto Service Centers
Tuffy Auto Service Centers
7150 Granite Circle
Toledo, OH 43617
United States