Turn Up The Heat! Working Naked Day Is February 1st

The 4th annual Working Naked Day celebrates home office professionals around the world who are Working Naked - working without the support of the corporate workplace. Learn five hot tips for celebrating the holiday.

The thermostat is dropping, while excitement about the 4th annual Working Day, February 1st is rising. This national holiday celebrates home office professionals around the country who are Working Naked - working without the support of the corporate workplace. Home Office Expert, creator of Working Naked Day, and founder of WorkingNaked.com, Lisa Kanarek, offers tips for celebrating the holiday.

• Light up the inner organizer. When efforts to organize a home office are not working, and the office is still a mess, start with one corner and work around the room. Keep in mind that it took time for the home office to get to the point it is now, and it will take time to create a functional home office.

• Extinguish bad habits. Start by limiting the time spent on the Internet. Set a timer on a computer or use a kitchen timer as a reminder to get back to work. Also, stay focused by using some type of to-do list, whether in a Smartphone, on a computer or in a simple spiral notebook. When sidetracked, refer to the list.

• Rekindle an old business relationship via Skype. The best part? As a client is stuck in a corporate office, the caller will be working in the comfort of a home office.

• Turn up the heat on the boss. If working in a corporate office, convince the boss that working from home today is a better idea. Working without co-worker interruptions, avoiding a daily commute, and having a flexible schedule can help improve productivity.

• Spark a few new ideas. While corporate counterparts are stuck in traffic, grab a blanket and a hot cup of coffee and brainstorm about ways to grow the business.

For more tips and information about Working Naked Day, please visit www.WorkingNaked.com.


Tags: home office tips, working from home, Working Naked Day

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