Turning Your Customer From a Casual Acquaintance to a #1 Brand Fan

Silicon Valley Brand Forum Event at HP on May 4th, 2010 In Palo Alto, CA

Join The Silicon Valley Brand Forum and the San Francisco Bay Area's leading brand executives for a morning of best practices in branding. Hewlett-Packard is the host for this event.

You'll see thought provoking presentations and a panel discussion on how companies are taking their relationships with their customers from awareness to evangelism by creating powerful and resonant brand messages and experiences.

You Will Learn
* The difference between brand loyalty and deep brand relationships
* The most effective strategies and tactics companies are using to deepen those brand relationships
* Insights on the shift from sending messages to customers to engaging customers in a conversation
* How companies are turning well-networked unhappy customers into brand champions.

Featured Speakers and Panelist Include
* Ron May, a Silicon Valley Brand Forum co-founder who has led brand strategy for both start-ups and industry leaders including Logitech, Quantum Corporation and Synopsys, and even Mattell's Barbie brand.
* Bob Kennedy, Director, Global Advertising at McAfee Security
* Heidi Melin, CMO at Polycom and past CMO at Hyperion and marketing VP at PeopleSoft
* Dan Nichols, vice president of marketing at RightNow Technologies, a leading CRM company
* Adam Weinroth, vice president of strategic marketing at Demand Media
* A senior brand executive from HP (TBD)

Date and Time
Tuesday, May 4, 2010.
8:30 AM to Noon
Location: Hewlett-Packard, 3000 Hanover St., Bldg 20, Lobby A, Palo Alto, CA

BUY TICKETS NOW: http://svbfspring2010.eventbrite.com/

We Need Your Support
The Silicon Valley Brand Forum is a not for profit, grass roots educational organization. Your support is needed to continue producing these events. You can help increase the exchange of information about branding by attending events, sponsoring events, and telling other brand professionals about The Silicon Valley Brand Forum. Thank you.


Tags: Brand, branding, educational, marketing, workshop

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Steve Farnsworth
Press Contact, Silicon Valley Brand Forum
Silicon Valley Brand Forum
425 8th Ave, Suite 2200
Menlo Park, CA 94025