Tuya Cosmetics : Because the Beauty Never Stops

Tuya Colour Cosmetics are a unique and highly individual natural cosmetic line. The products have been developed through many years of research and practice in the industry by professional makeup artists and cosmetics creators. customer can be assured that every ingredient has been selected and blended to ensure the very best result.

An Australian Mineral Make Up Company that has been in the planning and research stage for 5 years.

Tuya Colour Cosmetics are a unique and highly individual natural cosmetic line. The products have been developed through many years of research and practice in the industry by professional makeup artists and cosmetics creators. and customer can be assured that every ingredient has been selected and blended to ensure the very best result.

Make-up is a wonderful art - not to be hung in a gallery, but to be worn for the world to admire and the wearer to enjoy.

The range from Tuya Colour Cosmetics has been made with the care, experience and knowledge of the cosmetics industry.

Tuya Colour Cosmetics are an Australian mineral make-up company who have been in planning and research stage for over five years. Established in 2014 to an outstanding response.

the mission, is to bring an awesome mineral make-up range that blends the benefits of caring for women skin in a mineral makeup formulation, supported by personalised advice and artistic techniques from the remarkably experienced professionals.


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About Tuya Cosmetics

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Tuya Cosmetics ®. An Australian Mineral Make Up Company that prides themselves with a passionate desire and commitment to continue to make a difference.

Tuya Cosmetics
278 - 300 Harkness Rd
West Melton, VIC 3337