Tweeting Breast Cancer Awareness: Tickles Tabitha's Pink Pumpkin Giveaway

To honor Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Nutcracker Publishing Company has joined Tweet A Day giveaway and is giving away copies of "Tickles Tabitha's Cancer-tankerous Mommy," and other cancer education resources.

Tweet Breast Cancer Awareness this month and you could win Tickles Tabitha's Tweet Pink Pumpkin. To honor Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the publisher, of "Tickles Tabitha's Cancer-tankerous Mommy," Nutcracker Publishing Company, has teamed up with Tweet-A-Day Giveaway. Anyone who signs up at any of Nutcracker Publishing's social media sites is registered for the Tweet Pink Pumpkin Giveaway.

Tweet-A-Day is a daily resource for giveaways that DO NOT require purchase. The winning participants of Nutcracker Publish's giveaway will receive a copy of "Tickles Tabitha's Cancer-tankerous Mommy," discs containing Crack Open A Book!, the company's cancer education school program curriculum, and a coupon good towards an author presentation or appearance by Tickles Tabitha, along with other items.

For more information and to qualify to win Tickles Tabitha's Tweet Pink Pumpkin go to:

The winner of Tickles Tabitha's Pink Pumpkin, Tweet-A-Day Giveaway will be drawn at random by Tickles Tabitha herself, and posted on all Nutcracker Publishing's social media sites and the Tweet A Day site.

"Tickles Tabitha's Cancer-tankerous Mommy," was written by Breast Cancer Survivor, Amelia Frahm, for her children. It pictures the moody and emotional ups and downs of a family coping with a Mom's cancer diagnosis.

Crack Open A Book! is a cancer education program for elementary aged children that promotes cancer awareness using a character education curriculum and introduces children to a blonde, pig-tailed Tickles Tabitha. Presentations and professional development programs are also available for teachers, health care educators, clubs, corporations or any organization interested in promoting cancer awareness.


Tags: Breast Cancer Awareness, Cancer Education, Cancer Resources for families, Children's Book on Cancer, Pink Pumpkin

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Amelia Frahm
Press Contact, Nutcracker Publishing Company
Nutcracker Publishing Company
5209 Dutch Elm Drive
Apex, NC 27539