UK Prefer to Find and End Love Face to Face Rather Than Digitally

71% of the repsondents have never used technology to find romance

A brand new consumer survey undertaken by, the leading Gamified eCommerce site, has revealed that 668 of the 969 consumers asked, have not used technology to find romance despite a more accessible range of dating apps and sites.

Despite the popularity of dating apps, the recent MadBid survey reveals that its shoppers infact like to socialise and find love the old-fashioned way with 59% saying that they met their current love face to face.

91% of consumers stated that they have never proposed using technology, MadBids consumers show that they are super savvy romantics as well as shoppers.

In the survey, MadBid’s consumers were asked if they would ever dump someone using technology and a staggering 85% admitted that it‘s something that they would prefer to do face to face rather than digitally. With 75% revealing that they would feel very annoyed if they were ever dumped digitally.

Juha Koski, founder and CEO of says “It’s nice to know that although we sell hundreds of tech gadgets every day, they are not the cause of heartbreak from our consumers who show traditional values when it comes to finding and ending love. ”

This was a survey targeting UK consumers to evaluate the trend of using technology to find  and end love digitally.

Notes To Editors

Founded in the UK in 2008, MadBid is a leading Gamified eCommerce site operating in 10 European countries including Italy, Germany, Spain, Poland, the Netherlands, France, Austria, Ireland, Portugal, and UK, as well as Mexico, Turkey, India, Canada and Australia. It has over 6 million registered users globally, over 1.6 million unique visitors per month. is in the UK’s ‘The Guardian’ Tech Media Invest 2010 as one of the Top 100 IT companies in the UK, and was listed in The Sunday Times’ Tech Track 100 as one of Britain’s fastest-growing companies in 2012.

This exclusive and innovative platform has sold more than 3800 unique premium products to their users such as premium laptops, mobile phones, TVs, cameras, beauty products, housewares, cars and more. MadBid offers customers an exciting shopping experience with a No-Lose Guarantee, where users can buy a range of desirable consumer goods by placing bids through the site and save up to 89% on RRP, as confirmed by BDO.


Tags: ecommerce, love, technology