Ultrapure Water Pharma To Cover Key Water Treatment Topics

ULTRAPURE WATER Pharma/Emerging Technologies will feature presentations on key topics related to successful water treatment. Attendees will have the opportunity to network and gain practical insights in pharma water treatment.

Registration is open for this year's Ultrapure Water Pharma/Emerging Technologies conference that is slated for April 12-13 at the DoubleTree Hotel in center city Philadelphia. The meeting will feature several keynote presentations and technical papers on topics important to pharmaceutical water treatment and also have a roundtable discussion on the state of this important water treatment segment.

The conference will begin April 12 with a keynote presentation on an overview of the pharmaceutical industry by Mr. Mark Hassenplug of Ernst & Young. Afterward, there will be a presentation on the pharmaceutical water business, which will be followed by a discussion of water system validation by Anita Michael of the FDA.

That afternoon, Dr. T.C. Soli of Soli Pharma Solutions Inc. will present details of a USP survey of alternative WFI production methods. Conference presentations Tuesday afternoon will also examine the ISPE's view on pharma water issues, monochloramine removal, UV treatment, and ozone sanitization. The Tuesday session will conclude with a roundtable discussion.

Wednesday's program will offer attendees the option to attend a workshop by Dr. Soli on biofilm control in pharmaceutical water systems and how USP water treatment standards are drafted, or technical presentations. Technical paper topics on Wednesday will include water system validation, UV destruction of chlorine, particle analysis, on-line water testing, clean-in-place systems, a novel ion-exchange process, and enduser case studies.

Co-moderators of the conference will be Mr. Joseph Manfredi of GMP Systems, and Mr. William Collentro of Water Consulting Specialists, both of whom have worked for many years with the design and operation of pharmaceutical water systems.

In addition to technical papers, ULTRAPURE WATER Pharma/Emerging Technologies will also feature tabletop exhibits by leading water business suppliers and offer attendees the opportunity to network with others active in pharmaceutical water treatment. The technical program for Ultrapure Water Pharma/Emerging Technologies 2011 is available at http://www.ultrapurewater.com/Expo/PDF/Pharma2011.pdf. For conference information or to register, contact 303/973-6700, or visit http://www.ultrapurewater.com, or email: [email protected]. On-line registration is available at http://www.talloaks.com/Zencart/.


Tags: conferences, events, FDA., ISPE, Pharmaceutical Water, Pharmaceuticals, ULTRAPURE WATER, USP, Water

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Mike Henley, editor
Press Contact, ULTRAPURE WATER journal