UltraRrapid Vitrification Protocol Workshop
Online, August 22, 2012 (Newswire.com) - Live, Hands-On Workshop on Vitrification of Oocytes and Embryos,offer ting rare learning opportunity from the best of the IVF Industry of the world.
Dr.Masashige Kuwayama, the Vitrification Master,developed the Cryotop method in 2000. Since then his method has been used across the globe in more than 1200 clinics, 40 countries for more than 500,000 cases, producing outstanding excellent results. Dr. Kuwayama has established the first human oocytes bank and obtained the first vitrification baby in Japan (2002) and USA (2003).
Cryopreservation of gametes (sperm and oocytes), embryos, and reproductive tissues (ovarian and testicular tissues) is a significant area of Reproductive Medicine today that adds tremendous flexibility to the practice of ART.
Now, with major improvement of the solutions, and with the newly designed vitri/warm plates, a near-perfect vitrification method, the CryoTec Method has been developed. Thus, you can ensure that fewer embryos are damaged and can provide better rates of implantation.
By having a greater possibility of embryo implantation,you can transfer a smaller number, thereby reducing the risk of multiple pregnancies without loosing the effectiveness.
Vitrification is an ultra-rapid freezing method and no ice is formed at any stage of the process, which provides an improved chance of success. Vitrification is relatively simple, requires no expensive programmable freezing equipment, and relies on the placement of the cell/tissue in a very small volume of vitrification medium that must be cooled at extreme rates.
Vitrified oocytes and embryos have very high rates of survival after warming with higher implantation rates than the former slow-freezing techniques. Thus, you can ensure that fewer embryos are damaged and can provide better rates of implant.
Moreover, by having a greater possibility of embryo implant, you can transfer a smaller number, thereby reducing the risk of multiple pregnancies without loosing the effectiveness.
CryoTech Vitrification is suitable for oocytes, blastocysts and cleavage stage embryos. Safety during storage has been improved, as the oocytes or embryos are protected from stress and contamination through a closed cover system.
Candidates will gain extensive hands on experience and practical skill in Ultra Rapid Vitrification and warming of oocytes and embryos, with one on one tuition sessions using the new Cryotech system.
In this workshop, the most advanced protocol of ultra-rapid vitrification protocol for human oocytes and embryos will be demonstrated. After seeing beautiful post-warm surviving oocytes and embryos in the live demonstration in the session, they believe you will have great confidence and the requisite skill to offer the Cryotech Technology to your patients.
Scientific Program :
The participants will receive a certificate on successful completion of the course,including the hands-on training.
Candidates will gain extensive hands-on experience and practical skills in Ultra Rapid Vitrification and warming of oocytes and embryos using the CryoTech system.
The workshop will be conducted by Dr.Masashige Kuwayama.
CryoTech Vitrification Lecture
Live Demonstration of Oocytes & Embryo Vitrification
Interaction Opportunity
Hands on Training of Ultra Rapid Vitrification and warming of oocytes and embryos using the CryoTech system.
Workshop Date & Venue :
Date : 10th September 2012
Venue: Rotunda- Center for Human Reproduction
304, 3rd Floor, B Wing,
36, Turner Road, Bandra (West),
Mumbai - 400050,
Location Map: http://goo.gl/maps/LHRIj
Course Fees:Rs.20,000/-
On Site Registration:25,000/-(Cash only)
Modes of Payment for one day Pre-Congress Workshop:
All the registrations have to be sent to Congress Secretariat.
Please Note That only Local Mumbai cheques favoring "Indo-Nippon Medical Trading Co" will be taken.
Save the date today by going to there website at below to register for this event and accomplish in a day what would otherwise take you years to accomplish.
Online registration can be done at http://cryotechindia.com/index.php?option=com_chronoforms&chronoform=register
Spot registration for the conference will be done at Venue Subject to availability.
For further information and registration Please contact them:
Indo-Nippon Medical Trading Co
304, 3rd Floor, B Wing,
36, Turner Road, Bandra (West),
Mumbai - 400050,
Phone: +91 22 61996500 ; +91 22 26552000
Mobile: +91 9819855905 or +91 9821618106
Email:[email protected]
Tags: Thawing Media, VIRTRIFICATION KIT, Vitrification Media