UNESCO Looks To Seville For Ways Of Combining Modern Architecture And Heritage

For three days, the Andalusian city will bring together international experts from different fields of architecture.

- Seville has been chosen as the host city for the International Conference "Contemporary Architecture in the Historical Urban context". This event is free and open to all, and is supported by the Organisation of World Heritage Cities, UNESCO, ICOMOS and many other international bodies, reflecting Spain's interest in heritage-related matters. This is no surprise, since Spain is ranked second by UNESCO in terms ofnumber of assets declared as World Heritage sites.

Among the sites included on the UNESCO list in the Andalusian capital are its Cathedral, the Alcázar and the Archive of the Indies.Seville also has experience in organising events of this kind, having hosted the 33rd meeting of the World Heritage Committee from 22 to 30 June 2009.

Experts from all over the world, including those from GAIA-heritage - a company specialising in the economic aspects of cultural and natural heritage - will come together until 21 February to identify tools for preserving monuments and historic buildings, seeking ways of making today's architecture compatible with historical buildings and architectural elements.

The event will also be attended by international experts from the worlds of the arts and image, landscapers and specialists in urban morphology. All of them will work to identify the key points setting out the best way of inserting modern architectural elements into historic cities. This will be done by analysing their relationship with their surroundings, architectural forms and functions and the economic aspects of cities.

Marca España is a state policy whose efficacy will be proven in the long term. The guarantee of the continuity of the Marca España project stems and develops from consensus that transcends political changes.

Its objective is to improve the image of our country both domestically and beyond our borders for the common good. In a globalized world, a good country image is an asset that helps to support the international position of a political, economic, cultural, social, scientific and technological state.

In today's climate of economic crisis, the brand's framing must prioritize economic terms to help in the recovery of growth and jobs. We have started with the conviction that Marca España will benefit all of us because, after all, an improvement in our country's image both abroad and domestically will contribute to boosting exports, attracting foreign investment in Spain, supporting the internationalisation of our companies by fostering the tractor effect of large companies on SMEs seeking niches in the overseas market, raising tourism and, in short, contributing to Spain's economic recovery.

The Marca España project is premised upon three certainties: the image of any country is constantly changing; it is possible to influence this change; and the public authorities are responsible for designing policies that improve this image. Marca España is an academic undertaking, since it encompasses a double map, both domestic and international, which outlines our advantages and shortcomings. Yet it is also a political undertaking, since it also consists of conceiving and executing a policy with influence abroad and making domestic proposals; the ultimate goal of both is to develop influential actions in the former and achieve institutional improvements in the latter. Marca España is inclusive by definition and attempts to encompass all stakeholders,both public and private, institutional or not, that project our country's image both at home and beyond our borders. It is grounded upon sound coordination among all of these stakeholders.

Press Contact:
Sydney Hardison
Media Relations
Value Optimized Solutions Inc
441 Santaluz Path Austin, TX 78732
[email protected]


Tags: modern architecture, Seville, UNESCO

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