Unhappy Mothers Day? Postpartum Depression Affects Many New Moms

Postpartum depression affects 1 in 10 new mothers but can often be treated with natural hormone replacement. Michigan based pharmacy offers help.

You might be surprised to learn that postpartum depression affects 1 in 10 new mothers after delivery and often goes either ignored or not adequately treated.

Postpartum depression is defined as a complex mix of physical, emotional and behavioral changes that happen in a woman within 4 weeks of giving birth. It is considered to be a form of major depression and can be debilitating to the patient as well as have widespread effects on entire families. Postpartum depression should not be treated lightly, especially if it continues for more than two weeks.

The cause of postpartum depression is believed to be linked to chemical, social and psychological changes associated with having a baby and often times requires treatment to be customized to the individual.

Symptoms can vary from problems sleeping, appetite changes and frequent mood changes to more severe symptoms associated with major depression such as depressed mood, feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness and even thoughts of death or suicide.

"Here at Health Dimensions Compounding Pharmacy we recognize that there is a strong chemical/hormonal element to postpartum depression", says Scott Popyk Pharmacist and owner. "Hormones such as Estrogen's and Progesterone can be as much as ten times higher in a pregnant woman than when she is not pregnant. Normally, within 3 days after delivery they fall back into pre-pregnancy levels. Hormones are very powerful chemicals so this dramatic shift can have equally dramatic effects on the well being of a new mother", Popyk continues.

There are risk factors that have been associated with mothers experiencing postpartum depression such as a history of depression during pregnancy, age at the time of pregnancy (the younger you are the higher the risk), history of depression or premenstrual dysphoric disorder, limited social support and marital conflict.

For more information and to learn more about your options in overcoming postpartum depression for you or a loved one, contact Heath Dimensions Compounding Pharmacy at 800-836-2303 or online at http://www.hdrx.com


Tags: Healthcare, mothers day, women

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