Union Carpenters Local 290 Provides Training, Guidance to Naval Sea Cadets During Summer Camp

Long Island, New York, November 29, 2016 (Newswire.com) - Retired journeymen carpenters from Local 290, Northeast Regional Council of Carpenters (NRCC) helped to train 80 U.S. Naval Sea Cadets during a week-long summer session in August.
The U.S. Naval Sea Cadets Corps (USNSCC), commonly known as the Navy’s premier youth program, is a federally chartered nonprofit youth development program for age 11 through the completion of high school. It focuses on leadership and introduces seamanship and seagoing skills to students. Naval construction battalions or SeaBees are frequently referred to as the construction and engineering arm of the United States Navy.
"Our local 290 was eager to help with this volunteer effort. What better way to teach and interact with young people who have an interest in the construction trade and are part of an exclusive naval youth group? While the cadets were grateful for the contributions of our carpenters, we also learned a great deal from these enthusiastic young participants."
Anthony Macagnone, Council Representative, Northeast Regional Council of Carpenters
During the week-long training session, the students were assigned to four 20-person groups, with one retired union carpenter assigned to five students.
Sea Cadets and carpenters worked on two projects: After the interior demolition of the old Ranger Station and the Jewish chapel, they began with alterations. This construction experience involved all the elements that a Navy Seabee might encounter when deployed. The cadets’ mission was to imitate establishing a forward operations base in a hostile location. The group renovated two structures into barracks and a command space while conducting day and night patrols. “We were proud of all the carpenters that donated their time to make this project a great success,” said Lieutenant Junior Grade Gary Vertichio. We’re looking forward to the next training partnership,” added Lieutenant Commander Forrester Woodward of the Seabee Advanced Training Event.
“The cadets, who came from across the country, formed a great bond with the retired carpenters, who were outstanding at mentoring,” said Vertichio, a retired ironworker with more than 40 years’ experience and commander of the USNSCC unit, LT Michael Murphy Division. “The challenge was to let each cadet do the work. When you spend your life in a trade that requires you to bang out the project, it’s no easy task. The carpenters were great, adapting to this type of relationship with the cadets while maintaining the tempo to finish the project. The cadets were very fortunate to have the benefit of their skill. The feedback we received from the cadets was that it was the best training they ever attended.”
Vertichio became involved with the Sea Cadets four years ago after hearing an inspirational talk by a USNSCC regional director at a Navy League meeting. While the U.S. Navy offers training camps for the Navy Sea Cadets throughout the country, this was the first Advanced Seabee Training on Long Island.
He turned to Anthony Macagnone, council representative, NRCC (www.northeastcarpenters.com), for help on the project.
“Our local 290 was eager to help with this volunteer effort,” Macagnone said. “What better way to teach and interact with young people who have an interest in the construction trade and are part of an exclusive naval youth group? While the cadets were grateful for the contributions of our carpenters, we also learned a great deal from these enthusiastic young participants.”
Vertichio said that in the wake of the successful program, he has already asked Macagnone and Local 290 to participate next year.
Source: Galileo Communications Inc.
Tags: Lieutenant Commander Forrester Woodward, Local 290, Michael Vertichio, NRCC, Nrrtheast Regional Council of Carpenters, U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps