Unique Approach Secures Access to Orphan Medication With a Complex PA for 68% of 'Unfillable' Prescriptions

Premier Pharmacy Services Releases New Case Study Regarding Complex Prior Authorizations

Premier Pharmacy Services, one of the largest Specialty Pharmacies in the United States, releases a white-paper study showing the success of Prior Authorization approvals for Orphaned Medication.

The study was completed in coordination with a mid-size pharmaceutical company and focused on helping patients work through the prior authorization process, leading to a 68% increase in prescriptions filled that were deemed "unfillable" at the previous pharmacy.

"Premier's thorough approach is the only way these challenging patients have been able to access the prescribed therapy they so desperately need. I've never seen such dedication or speed from any other specialty pharmacy," states the manufacturer.

"At Premier Pharmacy Services, our goal is simple: to do everything we can, every day, for the patient to help them start their therapy," states Stephen Samuel, CEO. "Infused Biologics, such as the one from this manufacturer, faces complex challenges for Prior Authorizations, that usually result in Letters of Medical Necessity, and time-consuming clinical documentation with the patient's payor for approval."

A full report of the case study can be found at: http://premierpharmacy.com/casestudy

About Premier Pharmacy Services

Premier Pharmacy Services is headquartered in Baldwin Park, California, and is the largest independent specialty pharmacy, with satellite locations in Arizona, Missouri, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. Premier's mission is to enable patients to successfully live with complex conditions by focusing on being an active partner throughout the entire patient journey with integrity, compassion and excellence. The company offers customized clinical management programs nationwide through its proprietary software system, utilizing strategies that promote optimal outcomes for persons enduring debilitating diseases while delivering industry-leading patient care with integrity, compassion, and excellence. Premier Pharmacy works around the clock to provide patient-centric support and care.

Source: Premier Pharmacy Services


Tags: case study, healthcare, mail order pharmacy, pharmacy, specialty, specialty medications, specialty pharma, URAC, VIPPS