Unique by uBirds - Poles Invention That Will Replace the Classic Watch Into Smart Watch.

"Unique" is the world's first handmade smart watch strap, that lets you turn each timepiece into smart watch. How? Electronics has been hidden in the strap, which slightly differs from the classic watch strap and provides functionality that smart watch has.

​Get to know “Unique”

"Unique" is the world's first smart watch strap, which has been created and patented in November 2014 by Polish young team. Two engineers – Paweł Karczewski and Patryk Lamprecht have created a product thanks to which the customer will not have to choose between modern technology and a passion for classic design. Watches are often a family heirloom or gift and for many people have sentimental value. Luxury traditional watch fans will now have opportunity to jump into the world of wearable technology. "Unique" works with a dedicated application for iOS and Android. It can be freely configured and individually adapted to each user. The application enables a wide range of watch strap configurations, e.g. to monitor yours activity, achieve personal goals, select information that is being received on the strap. Intuitive system and gestures detection allows for example to reject a phone call in invisible way to others and without ostentatious looking at the phone. "Unique" user will not have to worry about checking phone while waiting for an important message – you will be able to select the most relevant information for you and receive discreet notifications to the strap.

Powerful combination of features and a customized style

Most of the smart watches present in the market not only suffer from a lack of intuitiveness to use, but also has not attractive look. “Unique” gives a possibility to choose any type of watch classic model that is available on a market and change it into smart watch. In the “Unique” production process we focus on quality and the ability to individually adjust the strap to the expectations of the most demanding customers. With virtual creator the user designs the look of the strap. uBirds creator allows you to fit the color, choose method of sew, thread color, quantity loops, shape buckles strap, and also provides a great variety of leather," says Paweł Karczewski, one of the uBirds founders.

In the process of creating such an innovative device uBirds team set a goal: an equally strong focus on customer needs and on hardware requirements. "Electronics were cover in flexible material which protects against the harmful effects of moisture and ensures the correct functioning of the "Unique". All systems will be working properly, regardless of weather conditions or contact with the wearer's skin. The expected single battery charge lifetime of “Unique” is approx. 2-3 days. Information from the watch strap will be displayed on the phone screen, but also at the strap by multi-colored LED. This requires lower power consumption, and thus increases working hours on a single charge," adds Patryk Lamprecht, startup co-founder, CTO. uBirds team is currently working on energy saving device to further extend battery life even more.

uBirds – Polish representative on the Creative Business Cup 2015!

International Competition – Creative Business Cup 2015, is dedicated to the entrepreneurs operating in the creative industry. This year will be held from 16 to 18 November in Copenhagen, where Poland will be represented by uBirds. Creative Business Cup it is a unique chance to personally meet leading representatives of innovative businesses, investors and mentors from all over the world. "This is a great opportunity and big honor for our project. We will make every effort to worthily represent our country in the international arena and, of course, to convince the jury to our unique product," says Paweł Karczewski.

Day by day circle of "Unique´s" supporters is expanding. Currently, the uBirds company has prototype of device, which was built into watch strap and which will be miniaturized.  "Unique" production will begin in the first quarter of 2016 but now every interested person may submit an individual order through the creator on uBirds website.

How does it work?

Notifications – using built-in strap vibration and multi-color LED, you do not need to keep checking your phone for updates. You decide which information is most important for you and it depends on you which notifications appear on the phone to get your attention. Information from community’s portals, received phone calls, text messages, e-mails or reminders from the calendar arouse your interest through color and different ways of vibration.

NFC (short-range communication) – set up your strap to suit your needs. Upload your business card,
 a pass to the fitness club, office or hotel room. Programmable NFC tag allows any configuration of the strap to the most frequently used cards within easy reach. From now on, you will never have to worry about leaving passes at home.

Activity Monitoring – measure steps, distance traveled, speed, calories burned and the type of activity. In a connection with the motivating system placed on a dedicated application, the user gets a personal trainer which invisible takes care of his health. Set the goal and strive to achieve it while maintaining the health, without having to buy additional equipment.

Gesture control – a set of gestures will allow you for e.g. to reject a call without looking at the phone. The possibility of any configuration allows you to assign gestures to control various functions, e.g. Music player.

Loss Prevention – have you ever forgotten your phone from home or car? “Unique” protects you from it. When you walk away from your phone “Unique” informs you of this fact by vibration. You can be assured that your smartphone will never be lost again.

For more information visit:

www.ubirds.eu | Twitter: @uBirdsCompany | Facebook: / uBirds.eu



Tags: smart strap, smart watch strap, ubirds, unique, wearable, wearable technology

About uBirds

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uBirds Co. is a wearable technology company. We believe that wearable technology can be beautiful and functional. Our first release is "Unique" - the world's first handmade smart watch strap, that lets you turn each timepiece into smart watch.

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