United we can take back control from an out of control Congress.
Online, December 6, 2009 (Newswire.com) - American Voters For Truth has been established as a peaceful movement to regain Representation, Accountability, and Transparency from our elected Politicians. Our forefathers tried to set guidelines that would prevent our elected Representatives from getting too big and powerful. Many of them warned that this was something that should not happen. We believe that by uniting, American Voters can get control from an out of control Congress. The one thing they cannot take from us is our vote. Politicians have managed to divide us between parties, races, genders, geographic origins, etc. in an effort to control us. They say whatever is necessary to get elected then do as the Special Interest Groups wish. Join and support American Voters For Truth and help us take our Country back from the Special Interest Groups. We need your help and you need ours, together we can make a difference. Join at americanvotersfortruth.com
Tags: change, Politicians, United, voters