Unity Church in Jensen Beach, Florida Welcomes New Spiritual Leader
Online, June 24, 2014 (Newswire.com) - After more than two years without a regular minister, on May 1, 2014, Unity Church in Jensen Beach, Florida, welcomed Rev. Bob Konrad as its Spiritual Leader, an invitation Konrad happily accepted.
"Unity Church in Jensen Beach was founded in 2006 by Reverend Amanda Howard," said Kevin Clancy, President of the church's board of directors. "Reverend Howard was a strong spiritual leader, who established a solid foundation for the development of our Unity family. Since her passing in 2012, we have been moving forward with wonderful support from visiting Unity ministers. Yet we were missing a key element that makes a church strong… a dedicated spiritual leader. Both the board of directors and the congregation are excited that Reverend Bob Konrad has accepted our invitation to fill that spiritual leadership role as our minister. In less than one month "on the job", Rev Konrad has provided sound spiritual support to our family and is putting in place a solid plan to guide our spiritual development as we move forward."
Rev. Bob Konrad began his spiritual journey over forty years ago with studies to become a Roman Catholic priest in South Florida. It was there he received a BA in Philosophy. In 1968 Bob left his priesthood studies to marry.
In the mid 1980's, after working with adolescents and their families for fifteen years, Bob began working privately as a spiritual intuitive. During this time he became interested in George Lamsa's Aramaic translation of the Bible and participated in many workshops by Rocco Errico. Bob also served various roles at Unity of the Palm Beaches including teaching Bible classes and served as the spiritual leader of Unity Church in the Gardens for one year.
Bob graduated from Unity institute and was ordained as a Unity minister in 2005. He then completed the Clinical Pastoral Education program at St. Joseph Medical Center in Kansas City, MO and served as Chaplain at St. Mary's Hospital in Blue Springs until returning to Florida in 2008. He and his wife, Donna, now reside in Tequesta, FL. Since his return to Florida, Bob has served as guest speaker at several area Unity Churches and for two years he led a weekly group "Embracing the Sacred" at Unity Church in The Gardens. He also has facilitated several retreats.
"I am very pleased and honored to accept the position as minister at Unity Church in Jensen Beach," said Rev. Konrad. "Having been a guest speaker there over the last year, I recognized what a loving spiritual community this is. Working from that energy of love, I will provide a place for all seekers of Truth."
Sunday service at Unity in Jensen Beach is held at 10 a.m. The church is located at 3370 NE Indian River Road in Jensen Beach, Florida 34957. For more information about Unity in Jensen Beach, visit www.unitychurchinjensenbeach.com
Tags: Bob Konrad, jensen beach, Unity Church