UnlockTheGame.Com - The New System To Increase The Cold Calling Success Rates For Higher Conversion Rates, Fewer Calls And More Profit
Online, March 25, 2010 (Newswire.com)
Traditional selling techniques are long past their expiration date, yet sales professionals continue to use them and wonder why they're having such poor results. The answer is very simple, people are becoming wise to traditional hard-sell techniques and now when people get the pressure they "see through" the tactics and frequently react with a measure of resentment and resistance.
Unlock The Game is a completely new approach to selling and cold calling that increases
sales exponentially by applying common sense and approaches that draw the listener in. Read on to learn more...
Los Angeles, CA March 26th 2010 - Many people are reluctant to disclose what they do for a living if they work in sales. They hesitate because they have a vivid picture of everyone fleeing in terror from them. They have this picture because people flee from them daily by hanging up, insulting them, or worse. Salespeople are increasingly recognizing that the sales tactics used in recent decades have created a negative image when it comes to what they do. Traditional sales techniques that worked so well in the past are not working like they used to. More salespeople are coming into the field in this economy, many desperate to make a sale, and all they know is how they were "sold" in the past. "Sales" has not evolved, has not moved into the 21 Century. The techniques of the 80's are still being taught, even if they often backfire.
Some of the myths associated with effective selling include "cold calling is a
'numbers game.'" Make more calls is the mantra still in traditional sales strategies. Burn through the leads and burn all the bridges seems to be the thinking in most sales training.
Another myth...one needs to use a sales script. Again, people are "on to us" and the moment someone detects a script, with its impersonal, disconnected content, it is, as they say, "Over at Hello." No matter how eloquent a person is, there is no way they can make a script someone handed them sound fresh and engaging 50 times a day.
Lastly, sales people are taught that they need to focus on closing the sale. Again, people know when the pressure of a "close" is being put on them. They will be move away when they feel that pressure. Put pressure on the mouse on your mouse pad...what happens? There will be movement away from you!
Unlock The Game is a revolutionary system that takes a completely different approach to
cold calling. Based in a commitment to operating with integrity, Unlock The Game sales people make a connection with the prospect and create a bond. It is an effective, yet simple system that will turn the sales person into their prospect's friend and adviser. They will be attractive, magnetic, in how they are with the prospect.
Unlock The Game teaches a new mindset and a different approach to cold calling. It's
based on treating people with respect and the natural outgrowth of this treatment of others is trust. This system teaches people how to achieve that level of trust in one single call.
Unlock The Game makes use of existing valuable sales knowledge by teaching a more effective method of application. This is the future of selling, combining something old and something new.
Unlock The Game was developed by Ari Galper, a leading sales strategist for global
companies such as UPS and QUALCOMM. His experience, innate understanding of what
moves people, and his ability to capitalize on a knowledge of human communication has made him an innovative leader in the world of sales.
Ari has taught thousands of people how to master the limiting behaviors that sabotage their cold calling efforts and has shown them how to connect with their prospects, effectively increasing their sales.
For more information on Ari Galper and his revolutionary system ...visit
Unlock the Game www.unlockthegame.com
Tags: arigalper, cold call secrets, cold calling, cold calling ideas, cold calling secrets, cold calling techniques, sales gurus, sales scripts, sales techniques, sales training, secrets of cold calling, selling insurance, telemarketing, Telesales