Unroll.me: New App Keeps Email Inboxes and Career Paths Free of Clutter

Life is busy. Your inbox shouldn't be. Unroll.me works as a bouncer for one's inbox.

Suppose there's a junior executive named John Smith who's climbing the corporate ladder. He goes to all the right places and schmoozes all the right executives. He even doggy-sits the boss's pit bull, Clench. The future looks bright.

Every day, John receives over 200 emails: bulletins, updates, offers, invitations, appeals, propositions and coupons. Some are useful; others, not so much-but John is afraid to block them because he might miss something important.

One Monday, the regular weekly staff meeting-normally held at 9 am-is changed to 8 am, because Clench needs his teeth cleaned. The boss sends an email on Friday afternoon, notifying everyone of the time change. Unfortunately, Smitty misses the meeting because he never sees the email, and then is promptly terminated.

A fanciful story? Perhaps. But how many times have real people actually missed important emails because they were lost amidst the coupons and Twitter notifications?

Unroll.me is a new app that offers a solution to this problem. It is a free, web-based application, compatible with major email providers, that sends users an email once per day presenting all of their offers, discounts, updates and notifications neatly displayed in a "daily roll-up". Better yet, users can pick the time of day they wish to receive their roll-up. Users have reported paying more attention to each email now that they are all bundled together and sent at a specific time. Unroll.me also provides an option for easy removal from the subscriptions that they no longer wish to receive.

Josh Rosenwald, founder and CEO of Unroll.me, explains that it was created because many people were tired of wasting time sorting through emails or missing important emails altogether. Unroll.me keeps your inbox tidy by automatically organizing your subscriptions and unsubscribing you from the ones you don't want, even if there's no unsubscribe link.

It only takes a small bit of vigilance on the user's part to keep Unroll.me working as a bouncer for one's inbox. In the meantime, users will start seeing emails only from senders that they really care about, so their attention isn't stolen away by one-day sales or hilarious Justin Timberlake SNL videos-only the important emails make it through.

For more information, please visit www.unroll.me.


Tags: GrayDay, Graymail, inbox, Josh Rosenwald, spam, Unroll.me, Unsubscribe

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