Updated the UI for Better User Experience - FindNerd
Wilmington, Delaware, August 12, 2015 (Newswire.com) - Overview
Findnerd community feel glad to announce an important information to the valued visitors that the user interface of social community for web and mobile developers(FindNerd) has been updated. A couple of months ago in early June 2015, the community has updated “Ask Tech Query” section which allow users to directly visit the posting page for specific technology categories from Google search or direct opening the URL link. Since after the launch of this community in December 2014, the core team members are continuously working hard on it to make it a smooth, easy to access and easy to use platform for all the esteemed users of this community. Community's hard working team has been analyzing the user behaviour and the current user interaction with this platform through various analytic tools in order to define the drawback in the design which make users not to stay longer on this website. This is the main reason why FindNerd is working hard on it, with core aim to make users collaborate with others in this community for a longer duration of time and enhance tech skills and grow.
Current UI Update
As alreay mentioned above that UI of this community is updated which is specially done for active users. Now, take a look on the current UI changes that the team have been implemented after a thorough research. The UI changes done so far in latest release include:
- Updated the page layout for blog listing.
- Updated the page layout for forum replying section.
- Made the website responsive for different devices.
- Updated the header menu.
Updated the header menu
Earlier the header menu items were at the middle-top of the home page. To make them more interactive and match up as per the current trend, the technology expert jave shifted it to the left as a left meny bar which is now looking attractive and can expand on click.
Updated the page layout for blog/tech Q&A listing
The page layout of the blog/tech Q&A listing page has been updated from row listing format to the grid view listing which displays the blogs and forum questions in form of two columns view. It is much simpler view format as blogs/questions are visible clearly inside a box containing the spcific category of the blogs/questions.
Updated the page layout for forum replying section
Previously the page layout for user replies on any question asked by a member are displayed to the right side of the web-page. Now the layout of displaying the replies on any question are visible in the form of thread just below the question asked form the user. This is the way to make this platform interactive and the best c, php, jave, html, android developer form (http://findnerd.com/askquestion/android), etc. among the other forum communities.
Made the website responsive for different devices
In oder to provide users the easy accessibility of this platform through different devices, now the community website is also made responsive for different devices like mobiles, iPads, iPhones, etc. Now users can access the website easily through their portable devices.
With aim to make this platform more interactive and collaborative for all the existing and upcoming users who are continuously looking to evolve among the huge crowd of technology experts in order to enhance the knowlwdge and skils through this brain storming in the area of web programming through posting & viewing c, android, php, java questions and answers.
Hoping to improve ahead in future.
Team FindNerd
Tags: developer community, game development forums, niche social network, technology, web developer forum