Use Car College Means Business. Students Go For A High Profit Market, Up To 7.5% Profit Now!

After spending 5 days entrenched in learning the high-tech used car business at Used Car College, car loving grads are ready to enter a hot business market.

No BS, no sports, just cars and high-tech business at Used Car College, . According to a CNW Marketing Reasearch study, profits for used-car sellers in all channels are up to 7.5 percent, best since 2002. Used Car College graduates' plans are to take advantage of this global car market while it is super hot, right now. Another motivating factor, thanks to smart technology working remotely from home is a possibility.

Why can't people learn a hot business market when the time is right? When the time came for your child to learn to tie their shoes no parent sat down with their kid and told them the history of shoes, cost of production, where or how they are made, or the source of the laces, you taught your kid to tie their shoes by either putting one loop through the other and pulling tight or the loop around and wrap version. You taught them what they needed to know to get them started fast and on their way to where they wanted to go, (or you kept tying their shoes for them or stuck with velcro)!

Learning a new business concept isn't any different then tying shoes.You shouldn't have to be born into it to have the right connections or have to spend years of your life learning it at the school of hard knocks. These days searchable background information and historical facts you can get with the click of a button on Google, Ask, Bing or Yahoo. Believing continuing education should have a purpose, be a foundation or a stepping stone out into a solid industry as it exists today, Used Car College offers focused academics with a what's relevant today curriculum. Five days of old fashioned teaching, face-to-face hands-on, in an excelled class of fifteen or less, allows for plenty of individual learning attention. An operating used car dealership on the campus in Mooresville, NC, models as a Dealership Lab where students practice modern methods of doing business as they learn them. Everyone is taught until they say, "I get it now." These exciting 5 day courses empower future: Automotive Dealers, Internet Auto Wholesale Buyers, Dealership IT Sales Managers and Automotive Customer Representatives, all up and ahead of the times.

The used car business provides action, excitement, fun and the thrill of making good business deals based on facts. Most graduates plan to start small and grow as they see fit. Options to work with friends or family are limited these days. The car business has been around for about 100 years and is clearly a business successful intelligent people can operate profitably alone or in a close group, given they know the rules of the game. Used Car College teaches the rules and shows their students how to strategize to win. Knowing how to compete is key in any business career, especially these days.

Used Car College is readying students quickly to get in on the action happening this year, as Used Car Sales are on target for 39.5 million units, according to CNW. When the time is right, well the time is right, and that right time is now. With used car profits at an all time high now, students have the opportunity to learn how to setup for success in the booming high-tech auto dealership world, while it is still HOT now.


Tags: Business, Used Cars, WORK FROM HOME

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Lee Geller
Press Contact, Used Car College
Used Car College
160 Lugnut Lane
Mooresville, NC 28117
United States