Utah Therapeutic Health Center Gives Back With Three Charity Initiatives

Utah Therapeutic Health Center

Utah Therapeutic Health Center is launching two new charitable initiatives to benefit Utahns in need, and participating in a third charity to benefit people serving unjust prison sentences for cannabis-related offenses.

"There are so many people who need and deserve our help this year. We wanted to make a difference for those who are struggling with homelessness, those who need help getting access to Medical Cannabis, and those who are unfairly incarcerated for cannabis-related crimes," said UTTHC founder Tim Pickett.

The first initiative, "Uplift," aims to expand access to Medical Cannabis for patients facing financial challenges. The program will subsidize Medical Cannabis evaluations for as many as 10 patients each month, and help to ensure products are available at discounted prices for qualifying patients.

The program is funded via community donations, which UTTHC and its partners will match, multiplying each donation by five. Visit: utahmarijuana.org/uplift for details.

The second initiative, UTTHC's Winter Goods Drive, will collect coats, sleeping bags, tents, tarps, heating supplies, first aid supplies, shoes, boots, and blankets for members of Utah's unsheltered population as we enter the 2021-22 winter season. Items can be donated at any UTTHC clinic location along the Wasatch Front (Ogden to Provo).

Anyone who donates one or more of the requested items will be offered a $25 UTTHC clinic visit discount, good toward a new patient evaluation or renewal.

Finally, UTTHC is proud to participate in the Last Prisoner Project's 3rd Annual Holiday Letter Drive. Members of our staff will help contribute to LPP's goal to write 5,000 letters to people serving prison sentences for nonviolent cannabis crimes. Visit https://www.lastprisonerproject.org/holiday for more information.

This winter, you can make a difference in your community by choosing to donate money, time, or goods to any of these initiatives.

UTTHC serves Medical Cannabis patients at its clinics in Salt Lake City, Ogden, Provo, Millcreek, Bountiful, and Cedar City.

Media Contacts (Email contact is preferred.)

David Wells, Content Producer & Data Analyst
[email protected]
(801) 336-8579

Courtney Lipscomb, Marketing Coordinator
[email protected]
(801) 851-5554

About Utah Therapeutic Health Center
Pioneers in the Utah Medical Cannabis space and big believers in the de-prescribe movement, Utah Therapeutic Health Center, in association with utahmarijuana.org, makes great efforts to innovate, educate, and destigmatize. Founded in 2020 by Utah-born physician assistant Tim Pickett, UTTHC actively works to educate patients, providers, and pharmacists alike. With a long roster of qualified medical providers and clinics all over the state, UTTHC is dedicated to helping Utah patients navigate the program and feel better. Utahmarijuana.org. Feel better.

Source: Utah Therapeutic Health Center


Tags: Cannabis Related Crimes, Charity, Charity Initiatives, Medical Cannabis

About Utah Therapeutic Health Center

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Pioneers in the Utah Medical Cannabis space and big believers in the de-prescribe movement, Utah Therapeutic Health Center, in association with utahmarijuana.org, makes great efforts to innovate, educate, and destigmatize.

Utah Therapeutic Health Center
740 E 3900 S (108)
Salt Lake City, UT 84107
United States