VA Certifies MyLinks® for Veterans to Consolidate Their VA and Non-VA Medical Records

Smiling Veterans

​​​​MyLinks®, an award-winning interactive platform from PatientLink Enterprises, makes it possible for patients to gather, manage, and share their health records from one secure account, fully under their control. MyLinks’ certification by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) allows Veterans to consolidate their VA and non-VA medical records to meet their health care needs wherever they are.

PatientLink®, based in Oklahoma City, builds software to improve data sharing between patients and healthcare providers. PatientLink has built numerous products over the last two decades to help physicians gather information from patients and have the information flow into their electronic medical record, allowing the physician to spend more quality time with the patient. MyLinks is the latest innovation of PatientLink and focuses on meeting the needs of patients to allow them to gather, aggregate, own, and share their personal health records across their many healthcare providers.

MyLinks is free to patients and providers. Its broad functionality offers rich features to its account holders such as gathering, storing and sharing medications, allergies, conditions, vital signs, labs, equipment, procedures, immunizations, social history, family history, and documents. Users can also upload blood pressure, weight, steps and other data from devices, store and share their advance directives and other important documents, participate in research, and maintain a health diary.

MyLinks has won multiple awards and uses the newest technology standards (HL7® FHIR®) mandated by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology for nationwide health information exchange. MyLinks currently connects to almost 27,000 health clinics that have updated their electronic health record systems to comply with the nationwide mandate. As more clinics upgrade to the newest standards, MyLinks will also increase its impressive interoperability footprint.

PatientLink designed MyLinks to be cloud-based and mobile-responsive to allow all users to gather their records using any device that can access the Internet. No smartphone or specific operating system is required. The MyLinks Android app will be available soon with the iPhone app to follow.

“It’s a great idea and will be really helpful in so many ways since it will give us [Vets] the ability to have all our records in one place. Sometimes, our healthcare is sent to a private doctor. It will save both the VA and my private doctors a lot of time spent on sending and waiting for my medical records. I can carry my records with me in the palm of my hand,” said Juan Garcia, a disabled Veteran who served in the Army during Desert Storm.

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Source: PatientLink Enterprises, Inc.


Tags: Cloud-based, Electronic Health Records, FHIR®, Health IT, Healthcare, Interoperability, Medical Records, Patients, Personal Heath Records, VA, Veteran's Administration, Veterans

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PatientLink® is a leader in patient engagement software. Our diverse and customizable product offerings enable data sharing that meets the needs of patients and physicians by streamlining workflow, increasing revenue, and improving patient outcomes.

P.O. Box 890059
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United States