Valley Wastewater Reclamation Authority Completes Re-branding with New Wastewater Website

Beautiful New Website Brings New eGov Services to Victor Valley

The Victor Valley Wastewater Reclamation Authority (VVWRA) is proud to announce the launch of their new website. Accessible at, the new site showcases a modern design, user-friendly navigation, and many helpful online services.

The once dated design has been replaced with sleek graphics, new content, updated staff and facility photos, and a prominent map outlining the serviced areas. Usability was a main focus as improved navigational tools, such as dropdown menus and quick links, were cohesively worked into the new design. This website was the final piece of VVWRA's re-branding puzzle and includes the Authority's new logo and new tagline - "Taking the waste out of wastewater".

The Authority's Public Information Officer Ryan Orr was at the forefront of this re-branding process. In a recent interview, he commented on what this new website means to the organization and the community:

"A new website for our agency has been long overdue. With the launch of this beautiful new site, it feels like we've come out of the dark ages and are now on a level playing field with other agency of our size and scope. We've received countless positive comments on the new look and the user-friendly features. Everything the public would need to know can easily be found on the site within one or two clicks of the homepage."

The website's content management system has been upgraded to the Vision CMS™, a government-specific content management system built by Vision Internet ( This simple-to-use government CMS allows non-technical staff members to make content updates to the website. It also provides the technological platform for the many interactive components featured on the new website. Some of these features include online utility payments, an e-Notification system allowing users to subscribe to direct e-mail updates, and a Business Connection section housing important instructions, forms, and permits.

The VVWRA now joins a growing list of California special districts that have taken the initiative to build powerful, effective websites to better serve their communities. This list includes innovative special districts such as the Orange County Sanitation District (, the Mojave Air Quality Management District (, and the Imperial Irrigation District (

For more details on the new VVWRA website, please contact Vision Internet at 888.263.8847 or [email protected].

About Valley Wastewater Reclamation Authority:
Valley Wastewater Reclamation Authority was originally formed by the Mojave Water Agency to help meet the requirements of the federal Clean Water Act and provide wastewater treatment for the growing area. The original treatment plant, with supporting pipelines and infrastructure, began operating in 1981, providing tertiary level treatment for up to 4.5 million gallons per day (MGD). The VVWRA is now a joint powers authority and public agency of the state of California. Over the years, VVWRA has completed treatment plant upgrades and several capacity increases.

About Vision Internet:
Vision Internet is the leader in government website development with over 400 clients across the US and Canada. For 15 plus years Vision Internet has been creating industry-defining websites built on leading technology including the government content management system, the Vision CMS™. Widely recognized as the best government website vendor, the company has earned hundreds of prestigious industry awards for its unique websites. Reinvigorating the eGov outreach of every community they serve, Vision Internet has earned the title of the Government Website Experts.


Tags: local government website, Website Launch

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