Vancouver Community Stands Strong for Global Climate March and Paris Talks
Vnacouver, WA, November 23, 2015 ( - On November 30th, world leaders meet in Paris to start negotiating the next global climate deal. That's why, the day before, people around the world will take to the streets and push leaders at every level of government to commit to 100% clean energy.
The Global Climate March in Vancouver, WA will begin in front of the Vancouver Water Resource Education Center located at 4600 SE Columbia Way, Vancouver, WA 98661, USA at 1:00PM.
We march for 100% clean energy and to protect our kid's future.
Stephana Johnson, Yogilachi Vancouver Small Business Owner
Stephana Johnson, owner of Yogilachi, a private fitness studio in East Vancouver, steps up to lead her city in this Global Climate March. "As the fourth largest city in Washington and one of the fastest growing that means much more energy usage and more resources consumed... We march for 100% clean energy and to protect our kid's future."
Johnson joined Avaaz, a global civic organization launched in January 2007 that promotes activism on issues such as climate change, human rights, animal rights, and the like. "Our goal is to mobilize hundreds of thousands of people at events everywhere around the world to march for 100% clean on November 29th. We stand for Paris and the talks that begin Monday!"
To find our more information about the November 29th event contact Stephana Johnson or visit
Tags: global climate march, model for business, personal trainer, stephana johnson, vancouver wa, yogilachi