Vaporstream Executives Lead Industry Roundtable on the Electronic Communication Privacy and Risk

Jason Howe and Patrick Seilsopour of Vaporstream Inc., a Secure Recordless Messaging Service (SRMS) provider, will lead discussion at the BTM Institute's LeadershipXchange Summit in Denver on April 17-18.

Executives of Vaporstream Inc., a Secure Recordless Messaging Service (SRMS) provider that offers private and secure messaging channels for business communications, will engage industry leaders in discussion of the dangers of electronic communications at the BTM Institute's LeadershipXchange Summit in Denver on April 17-18. Jason Howe, CEO, and Patrick Seilsopour, SVP of Sales & Bespoke Client Services, will lead the roundtable, which is titled "The Impact of Electronic Communication Privacy, Risk & Efficiency on Business Velocity," and will be moderated by Mou Abdou, the founder of 33Voices.

"Technology is both the friend and foe of business. It allows us to grow our businesses globally, but also makes trade secrets vulnerable to attack in ways they never were before," said Howe. "Robust policies are necessary to protect sensitive information ranging from intellectual property to mergers and acquisitions information."

The discussion will address how email, text messaging and instant messaging have created efficient but unsafe means to communicate business, and the steps industry leaders can take to mitigate the risks of electronic communications while reaping their benefits.

The costs of cyber crime continue to grow: in a survey of 56 organizations, the Ponemon Institute found a $500,000 average increase in the cost of cyber crime per organization from 2011 to 2012. In the same time frame, the survey found a 42 percent increase in the incidence of such attacks. As the only truly recordless digital communication platform in the world, Vaporstream helps protect businesses and investors from security breaches, user errors and communications taken out of context.

"It's important that business leaders not allow the risks of electronic communications to force us back to inefficient methods of communication," added Howe. "Rather, we need to continue the discussion of when these technologies are appropriate and when in business we must instead use more secure options."

Howe participates in a number of high-level discussions on behalf of the industry, which gives him a broad perspective on current issues and trends. He is an acclaimed thought leader in early stage company leadership and solution selling. Howe was named one of the "Top CEO's Under 40" by the San Diego Tribune and one of the "Most Influential In Healthcare" by Modern Health Magazine.

For more information, visit or call 1-800-367-0780.

About Vaporstream
Based in Chicago, Vaporstream is a Secure Recordless Messaging Service (SRMS) provider that offers the only completely secure and confidential digital messaging channels for executive and high-level communication. Our patented SRMS protects messages by securely transmitting them through cyberspace, while never creating Electronically Stored Information (ESI) or leaving a digital footprint. Vaporstream communications or "Vispers" can never be copied, forwarded, printed, saved or traced, restoring privacy and control to the sender of the communication. By providing authorized personnel the proper policy and the appropriate tools to communicate securely, Vaporstream helps protect businesses and investors from an $80 billion a year problem, arising from security breaches, unintended propagation and unnecessary eDiscovery. Vaporstream currently has more than 150 corporate clients and is used by almost every industry in which highly-sensitive information is communicated including: banking and finance, federal and state government, healthcare, human resources, insurance, legal, high-technology and national defense. For more information, visit


Tags: Secure Recordless Messaging Serv, security, technology

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Nicole Minadeo
Press Contact, Vaporstream
233 S. Wacker Dr., 97th Floor
Chicago, IL 60606
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