Verdio Green PC is now EPEAT Gold Certified

Green Electronics Council Recognizes EcomNets for Verdio Green PC Meeting the EPEAT Gold Standard for Environmentally Preferable Electronics

The Green Electronics Council (GEC) today acknowledged the Verdio Green PC an EPEAT Gold-rated computer, a rating awarded to the world's most environmentally preferable computers. Herndon based Green IT Solutions Provider, EcomNets, provides a myriad of Green IT Solutions.

"Today marks a milestone in the evolution of EcomNets," said Raj Kosuri, Chief Executive Officer of EcomNets, which manufactures the Verdio Green PC. "Initially, we were not trying to get the Verdio Green PC certified through any governing body. We simply wanted to create a small computer with a small carbon footprint that was highly recyclable. We saw a need to be energy efficient at the desktop."

The EPEAT program, partially funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, evaluates computer desktops, laptops, and monitors based on 51 environmental criteria. All EPEAT registered products must meet 23 mandatory environmental criteria. An additional 28 optional criteria are used to determine whether products earn EPEAT Bronze, Silver, or Gold recognition. EcomNets' first product registered product meets all the mandatory criteria and more than 75 percent of the optional criteria.

About Green Electronics Council - The Green Electronics Council partners with environmental organizations, government agencies, manufacturers and other interested stakeholders to improve the environmental and social performance of electronic products. In January 2006, it received a grant from EPEAT Green Computer Standard Page 2 of 2 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to promote and implement the EPEAT green computer standard. Visit for additional information.

About EcomNets
EcomNets is recognized as a leading Green IT, Business Process Management and IT Governance Integration Company that develops highly-innovative, rapidly-implemented, and extremely cost effective enterprise integration solutions. These solutions are currently delivered to a wide range of Information Technology (IT) clients within the Fortune 2000 and government agencies.

For more information on the Verdio Green PC, contact 1-703-544-1983 or visit


Tags: business process management, carbon footprint, EPEAT Gold Certified, green calculator, Green IT, Green IT Solutions Provider, Information Technology, Verdio Green PC

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EcomNets Inc. • 2553 Dulles View Drive Suite 240
Herndon, VA 20171