VH1's Chicago Mob-Wives Reality Sensation and Celebrated Chef Christina Scoleri, Pens an Italian Cook-Book Specializing in Dairy Free Delicacies Entitled the Dairy-Free Outfit

The Dairy-Free Outfit, An Italian Cookbook (NCM Publishing, On Sale Date November 26, 2015, ISBN: 978-0991576074, 36.00) Coming from an Italian family it is all about traditions, so it was important for Christina and her family to have a home cooked meal every day. In many popular Italian dishes such as: Lasagna, Chicken Parmesan, Vodka Sauce, Cannolis, and Cheesecake dairy products such as: milk, cheese, and butter are the most used ingredients in creating these delicious Italian meals. In this dairy free traditional Italian food cook-book you will see it is possible to enjoy Italian cuisine without compromising the look or taste. No longer will you have to call ahead to the host of a party to find out what is being served, feel left out, or have to bring your own food to an event due to this very common food allergy. Those days are over. The biggest challenge in dairy free recipes is finding the right ingredients. Inside the pages of this book you will find a plethora of easy dairy free recipes to some of your favorite Italian dishes. This cookbook will save you time and many hours of researching to find that perfect ingredient to create the dairy free version of these exciting and delicious Italian recipes. In this book, you will find traditional family recipes that incorporate the use of dairy free comparable ingredients to have the dishes look and taste the authentic. Enjoy the words within the pages of the Dairy Free Outfit, key ingredients to living a dairy free Italian-style.

Christina Scoleri, former reality TV star of VH1’s hit show Mob Wives Chicago, creates a dairy free Italian cookbook. She is a stay-at-home Mother of one and is married to Joe Scoleri. Currently the family resides in Downers Grove, Illinois.  Her daughter Daniella is the inspiration behind her first cook book, The Dairy Free Outfit due to her allergy to dairy products. As a parent it was heart breaking for Christina to watch her child suffer since the day she was born from such a common trait in today’s society.  This motivated Christina to produce the elaborate tool of her first cookbook, which allows Mrs.Scoleri to share her dairy free, but authentic Italian recipes in her cookbook for the world to enjoy. 

Mrs. Scoleri is available for interviews.  Please call Kolanda Scott at (702) 527-1424 or email: [email protected].


Tags: cookbook, dairy free, italian, VH1 Mobwives Chicago