VI Aesthetics New Research Center Releases Results of First Patient Study 94% of Subjects Reported Their Skin Looked More Radiant After the VI Peel

Los Angeles, March 13, 2016-VI Aesthetics the creator of the first painless chemical peel has conducted a two-phase survey of the experience and outcome of the VI Peel® with over 100 subjects. VI Aesthetics offers a full portfolio of powerful professional treatments for patients to experience in office. In addition to the VI Peels ®, VI Aesthetics offers a comprehensive skincare line (VI Derm®) to enhance and extend the results of the chemical peel and to optimize skin health. As skin matures

The purpose of the VI Study survey was to capture patient feedback of the benefits of a chemical peel process; during and after. Phase one of the survey captured what subjects thought they would experience versus what they actually experienced in regards to discomfort and time when receiving the VI Peel. VI Aesthetics found that 63% of women had not had a chemical peel in their lifetime, but found that 98% considered the procedure and application of the VI Peel to be non-painful,  with 94% reporting that they had little to no discomfort.  The VI Aesthetics survey also determined that 95% of women who receive the VI Peel® claimed that their skin looked refreshed and better than before the peel.

The second phase of the survey was intended to capture outcomes related to subject's concerns and their interpretation of how they feel their skin improved. The efficacy data was remarkably in favor for one to have a VI Peel®.  As 93% claimed that they visually saw a difference in the texture and smoothness in their skin, while 94% stated that their skin looked radiant and more improved. Marya Khalil, CEO and President, states “We are devoted to addressing acne and pigmentation, reversing the signs of aging, and repairing sun damage through our professional revolutionary skincare systems that promises results. We are ecstatic with the results of our first study. The data confirms that our subjects love their stunning transformations and that they feel the VI Peel was a very positive experience.”

"We are devoted to addressing acne and pigmentation, reversing the signs of aging, and repairing sun damage through our professional revolutionary skincare systems that promise results. We are ecstatic with the results of our first study. The data confirms that our subjects love their stunning transformations and that they feel the VI Peel was a very positive experience."

Marya Khalil, CEO and President

Chemical peels are used to improve the appearance of pigment in the skin, acne scars, mild sun damage, and fine wrinkles in all skin types. Skin techniques to prevent signs of aging are most important to women, the VI Aesthetics survey found that 88% of women feel an improvement in the fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth and eye area after receiving a VI Peel®. Acne treatment and healthy looking skin are some other skin concerns for women. The survey showed that 96% of women who used the VI Peel® noticed a change in size of the areas with pigment and acnes marks, with an overall 92% reduction in pimples after use of the peel. Those who are concerned with hyperpigmentation and received the VI Peel® demonstrated a 97% improvement to pigmented areas.

About VI Aesthetics

Founded in 2005, VI Aesthetics is a leader in changing people's lives worldwide by providing innovative & forward-thinking aesthetic products for practitioners and patients to invest in the long-term health of their skin.  To learn more about VI Aesthetics please visit


Tags: anti-aging, beauty, chemical peels, health, medical skin care, medical skincare product, pharmaceutical grade chemical peels, Skin, Skin Care

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