Vice Chancellor Sangam University Bhilwara Speaks on Human Rights Day at JMA Pilani Rajasthan

Human rights indeed are our common heritage and their realization depends on the contributions that each and every one of us is willing to make, individually and collectively, now and in the future.

The General Assembly of the United Nations on 10 December 1948 adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - UDHR the foremost statement of the rights and freedoms of all human beings consisting of a preamble and 30 articles, setting out a broad range of fundamental human rights and freedoms to which all men and women, everywhere in the world, are entitled, without any distinction. Every year 10th December is observed as Human Rights Day worldwide.

This year's Human Rights Day spotlight is on rights of all people - women, youth, minorities, persons with alternate abilities, indigenous people, the poor and marginalized to make their voices heard in public and be included in political decision making.

Fulfillment of the right to participate in public life is fundamental to the functioning of a democratic society and an effective human rights protection system. Inclusion of ALL in decision-making processes is an essential precondition to the achievement of both.

Established in the year, 2004 Smt Jamuna Mishra Academy - JMA which has been making rapid strides in early childhood education is presently one among the most sought after schools at Pilani. JMA Pilani which aims to be one among the top ranking schools in India today derives its strength from the quote "Information is just bits of data while knowledge is putting them together and wisdom is transcending them." JMA follows the rich tradition of observing various days of national and international importance on a regular basis to increase the current awareness among the students.

On the occasion of Human Rights Day 2012, Prof BR Natarajan Vice Chancellor Sangam University Bhilwara Rajasthan addressed the teachers and students of JMA Pilani and gave a talk on the significance of the day highlighting the following.

Recognition of human rights indeed aims at preserving dignity and upholding equality of all people before the law. For translating and disseminating the UDHR into more than 380 languages and dialects - from Abkhaz to Zulu and thus making it truly universal, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights is a proud holder of the Guinness World Record for being the most translated document.

Human rights are legal entitlements to people for the simple reason that they are human. These rights have been variously described as fundamental, inalienable, basic and even God-given. They apply equally to all persons regardless of age, race, creed, gender or social status. Human Rights undoubtedly belong to each of us and bind us together as a global community with the same ideals and values.

Prof Natarajan urged the students to remember and celebrate international days such as Human Rights Day every year in addition to remembering their birthdays and those of their near and dear apart from Republic day, Independence Day etc.


Tags: Bhilwara, Bhilwara2020, Cambridge, Harvard, International Volunteer Day, IVD, north carolina, rajasthan, Sangam University, top ranking, Youth Factor

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