Video Conferencing - It's An Executive Decision
Online, October 16, 2013 ( - AuDeo Systems Ltd (, Visual Communications Specialists today released the first in a series of opinion pieces written by AuDeo's Managing Director, Kevin Wilson incorporating key observations, thoughts and views on Video Conferencing and the decision making process which organisations tend to follow.
In most organisations, it is the Board that decides Strategy and the senior management team that implements this strategy. As the instructions get passed down and responses go back up, there is often an element of Chinese Whisper about the information being passed back and forth. It is often an Executive Decision to deploy Video Conferencing as part of a corporate business' communications strategy, but rarely is it their responsibility to choose it and subsequently buy it.
In many cases, if an executive or the Board does not understand the value or the possible return of installing VC, then a manager will often say no to the question "Any interest in Video Conferencing?"
So, perhaps this is the wrong question!! The correct questions are:
Need to reduce costs and expenses especially in the area of travel, accommodation and subsistence?
Need to be more competitive?
Need to be more productive?
Need to be more profitable and successful?
These questions, when positioned to an Executive will give a resounding YES!!!
If your business is not achieving the advantages intimated above, then competitors are. Executive Decision or not, it is a very easy decision to say yes to all of the above.
AuDeo Systems Ltd
AuDeo is a specialist integrator of high quality Visual Communications solutions. Established in 1998, AuDeo has grown to be one of the UK
Tags: Communication Strategy, corporate communication, Video Conferencing