Video Literally Says It All. Replaces Manuals; Is Social Marketing Content. Moose Pix Video Production, Effective Storytelling

Video's best feature: when it effectively echoes and shines a bright light on the media they are showcasing. Flying Moose Pictures expert visual storytelling demonstrates as well as it markets.

Contact: Simone da Rosa, [email protected]

SAN FRANCISCO, CA. January 17, 2011 - Mere video technicians are a dime a dozen via search engine, but effective storytelling like that produced by Flying Moose Pictures nets video that rises far above the casual mundane fare on YouTube, and delivers compelling results-producing stories ready for prime time...or students or customers.
Video is at its best when it effectively echoes and highlights the content it's showcasing, case in point, the Astronomical Society of the Pacific's NASA funded astronomy "ToolKits." Education Project Director Marni Berendsen knew from research that amateur astronomers needed physical props to demonstrate lessons in astronomy to the general public. Berendsen and her colleagues responded by creating learning Tool Kits, which include using balloons, lead weights and PVC plastic tubing to teach concepts like gravity, black holes, and the structure and size of the universe. After shipping the very first toolkit to a small beta-test group of amateur astronomers, Berendsen discovered that the amateurs rarely read the detailed instructions manual. "Of the several activities we shipped in the first toolkit," she laments, "the only ones the amateurs tested were the ones with video instruction. Without video, the activities didn't exist in the minds the astronomers."
Consequently, the Astronomical Society has collaborated with The Moose on an additional dozen training video ToolKits. Berendsen jokes, "The question isn't whether video is effective, but, "If a blue-green balloon representing the earth doesn't pop on video...does it make a sound?"
Video plays a similar, essential role in introducing new literary fiction into the minds of potential readers: "Writer finds video love in the snow-covered woods of Vermont," could have been tawdry dime store pulp tagline - instead it was the visceral response first-time novelist Deborah Luskin had to video's effectiveness, after she realized the days of publishers with marketing budgets were long gone. Authors are now expected to arrive brandishing a robust online social presence in order to market their books. This brave new world of self-promotion is daunting for many authors.
Flying Moose Pictures wrote and produced a short "author video" for Luskin, giving her readers insight into the relationship between her life in rural Vermont and her novel, "Into The Wilderness". The video (deobrah lee luskin dot com slash pages slash about DLL3 dot html) successfully echoes and sets the tone for her book's tone and poetry.
Luskin says, "I am a writer, not a videographer. I am astounded at the narrative sweep and visual tightness that Flying Moose Pictures delivered in only three minutes. The video has an arc that integrates the novel, my writing, and my life in Vermont, and has really helped my work appeal to a wider, younger demographic."

Video production is not a simple commodity, like milk. The Moose produces subtle, custom stories that are an effective, proven tool for crafting both training and social marketing messaging.

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About Flying Moose Pictures: A 10+-year old San Francisco-based video production company, the Moose serves near and far marketing, training, and sales clients, in industries ranging from the arts to major construction, science, technology, and Fortune 500s. Principals Mark Leialoha and Jonathan Luskin focus on excellent client experience, and specialize in delivering engaging and effective visual storytelling. Contact the Moose: 415.647.6586 or > Contact, and see how visual storytelling can work for your firm.


Tags: marketing, training videos, video production

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Simone da Rosa
Press Contact, Manifest Group
Manifest Group
Suite 316
San Francisco, CA 94110
United States