Vienna Energy Forum, Energy Efficiency for Industry
Online, May 30, 2013 ( - To gain valuable in-sight information and understanding on the three main goals being to provide universal energy access, double the rate of global energy efficiency improvement and double the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix by 2030 leaders, policy makers and energy practitioners gathered from all over the World.
Mr. Jigar V. Shah, Executive Director, Institute for Industrial Productivity has pointed out whist working towards the goal of doubling energy efficiency the industry sector should also work on reducing consumption. Doing so by 3.5% per year the target could be achievable by 2030. He also emphasized the need for senior level managerial commitment, data collection technology (energy measurement, metering, monitoring, reporting, setting baseline, benchmarks, targets etc.) and getting the right governance. Mr Shah suggested the governments should have to take prime responsibility in managing the process (giving incentives, or mandatory policies, or hybrid process etc.). Implementing standards like the ISO50001, reviewing supply chains and increasing green investments were also highlighted.
"- Raising awareness for energy efficiency within the Industry sector is a major task. Some of the companies we work for are very open to learn about Energy Management Systems to reduce their energy bill and in order to increase power quality. From the Corporate Social Responsibility point of view most of them still need convincing."- says Mr Baracskai Director of Technical Development for AVReporter Energy Management Software.
The highly prestigious event was co-organized by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). [/url]
Tags: energy management software, energy monitoring, ISO50001