ViennaCC Launched Music Video To Song "Why"

Austrian Bohemian ViennaCC uploaded a music video to the song "Why" on YouTube, a song from the latest album "Going Out For Summer." The song is about love, the music video made of photos compiled to a motion sequence.

The Austrian music & video producer ViennaCC uploaded a music video titled "Why" on YouTube, a song from the latest album "Going Out For Summer."

The song is about love saying "I don't know why you gave me no reply".

The music video "Why" is made of photos compiled to a video.

ViennaCC: "I wanted to make something different, not a musician standing anywhere and singing the song. That would be too simple. I am just looking at roll film stripes with photos from the last years."

The music of the song "Why" is melodious with strong electronic percussions.
ViennaCC: "It is a very Beatles-like song, but with modern sounds and sound effects. I want to make songs with melody, that can be played by school bands as well as by orchestras. In modern music productions often effects and rhythm dominate the recording. But a good song must be playable even on an acoustic guitar. The pure song, stripped down to chords and melody, must be strong enough to be sung or written down in a music book."

Visitors on YouTube are mainly from Germany, Israel(!) and USA.

ViennaCC is producing music videos for his own songs as well as interviews and videos for Austrian bands for OKTO, a local TV-channel in Vienna. ViennaCC actually has 73,000 followers on twitter and 3.7mio page views on myspace.

ViennaCC played in bands with various genres, from hardrock to dance music. ViennaCC's goal is short and melodious songs, with a kick of 60s style, but with modern sounds and sound effects. Musical roots are beat, pop and indierock. ViennaCC's goal to record songs that sound like the Beatles would sound today.

ViennaCC lives in Vienna, Austria, a bohemian lifestyle enjoying music and video production. ViennaCC: "I loathe stress. A waltz in my mind, but a rock guitar in my hand."

ViennaCC was 2x nominated for a New Music Award in Hollywood, and awarded a medal by the International Society of Photographers.

Music video ViennaCC - Why:

Latest album "Going Out For Summer" containing "Why" :


Tags: Beatles, indie, indierock, music video, musicvideo, POP, poprock, rock, viennacc

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Music & video production, photography. The man who sounds like the Beatles would sound today

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