Vintage is the New Cool

More and more, people are turning to emotionally comfortable, familiar, dependable vintage clothing and collectibles. Vintage items are to shopping as home cooking is to cuisine.

As Baby Boomers age and younger people buck the au currant trends, more and more people are appreciating the past. Vintage is the new chic. Retro is cool. And recycling rules.

"Recycling a gently loved, retro silk jacket or a beloved, vintage rock and roll concert t-shirt is drawing the attention of people of all ages and income strata," says Jacki Moss, co-owner of , a website that specializes in vintage clothing, vinyl music, and collectibles. "We're finding that people appreciate the value and uniqueness of items that aren't sitting on the shelves by the thousands in every big-box store across America. An authentic, pre-loved t-shirt from the concert you missed years ago means more to many people than plunking out their hard-earned money to buy a recent version of a corporation's concept of a group. It's about getting back to the genuine value of the things in our lives."

Moss found that people love vintage items but often do not have the time to hunt the genuine items down, so that what she does. "We scour the thrift shops, estate sales, auctions, flea markets, garage sales, and anywhere else we can unearth good quality vintage and retro treasures," Moss says. Then we put them online for a fair price so all the consumer has to do is click a mouse and a few days later, their find is in their mailbox. We do all the dirty work."

Moss, a long-time music and concert fan, knows the value of finding past concert t-shirts and gear. "I have personally experienced missing a concert and wishing that even though I wasn't there, that I had a t-shirt from it. The SWAG is offered during the concert, so after the concert is over, the SWAG isn't available, until now. That's where we come in. We find those hard-to-find t-shirts and tour gear such as crew and event shirts. You just can't go to a store and get those. That's what makes our items so special."

Vintage Basement's proximity to Nashville gives Moss access to a wealth of music-related items. "It's amazing what music SWAG we run into here. Nashville's not just about country music, so we might uncover anything from straight up rock and roll to theatrical clothing and collectibles. We also find quite a bit of stage wear as well. If it's authentic, in good condition, and vintage or retro, we're going to grab it for our customers!"

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Tags: lifestyle, music, vintage

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Jacki Moss
Press Contact, Vintage Basement
Vintage Basement
1802 Earl Twitty Rd.
Lewisburg, TN 37091