Vintelli to Ball 4 a Cause in Support of Lake Forest Youth Community

Online business development player Vintelli collaborates with open community charity event fundraiser to help Lake Forest youth community overcome difficult social challenges.

Top Business Development Player Participates To Stir Up an Exciting Life Changing Game Affair For The Community Youth

On behalf of the betterment and upliftment of the socially challenged youth belonging to the Lake Forest community, Vintelli joins hands with fundraising organizer Ball 4 a Cause to host an exciting end-of-summer family event on August 22, 2015 at Lake Forest Sports Park & Recreation Center. The event is open to all and promises a day full of fun, food, entertainment and sports activities.

"Great teamwork not only leads to better results but also builds an environment where growth and harmony dwells. Our 50-50 business benefit program invites enterpreneurs and start-ups to join us build a secured future for the children. When they sign in to our page, 50% of their first yearly subscription will go to the Lake Forest Community fund box"

Sudeep Banerjee, CEO, Vintelli, which is popular across the business community for providing entrepreneurs and startups with authentic and advanced social media and business development tools, will also be seen taking part in the biggest highlight - the anticipated basketball tournament (as 'Vintelli Ballers') to challenge other team participants. In addition, as an active sponsor partner; Vintelli is encouraging other business organizers to join in and champion the cause. For every sign up a business makes to their online directory, Vintelli will donate 50% of the 1st yearly subscription to the Boys & Girls Club Lake Forest Programs fund box.

The purpose of the event is to help young and bright talents of today recognize the immense potentiality they possess to make a better tomorrow. Vintelli hopes that their partnership with Ball 4 a Cause will help raise enough funds for a cause that will influence the teens and the kids within the community. Speaking for the event, Mike Duarte, Executive Director of Ball 4 a Cause observed, “our goal is to help raise funds for the expansion of their after-school programs that develop critical thinking skills, collaborative aptitude, mentoring, and tutoring in the areas of English, Arts and Math,...”

Apart from being a key player and an enthusiastic partner in raising funds for social causes, Vintelli helps businesses establish a strong web presence online with the help of targeted business listings, authentic user reviews , social media analytics and other profit maximizing marketing strategies.


Tags: Ball4acause Basketball event, Ball4acause charity event, business tools, Lake forest club, online Business tools, social media tools, social responsibility vintelli, Vintelli business tools

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Sudeep Banerjee
CEO, Vintelli, Vintelli
1540 E. Edinger ave (Ste M2)
Santa Ana, CA 92705
United States