Virginia Wild Jumps Off the Rat Race Merry-Go-Round!

Round and Round we go on the rat race merry-go-round. The same routine day in an day out, just to do it all over again and again. Jump off and see what wonders await you!

Round and round we go. When we'll stop, only you know....

Leaving home in the dark only to return in the dark just to bring home that pay check? Not being there for your family? I mean, really being there, not just providing. This is no way to enjoy life.

Perhaps you're living pay check to pay check with too much month left over after the money is gone. Creditors calling and asking for money. You then pay one card just to borrow that payment back to pay another....balances surely don't go down that way.

Or maybe you like to travel, but always say to yourself "Someday" or "Next Year". Either you don't have the funds at the moment or you can't get the time off from the J.O.B.

How about that classic car, motorcycle, boat or cottage you've always wanted, but can only look at it through the glass window of the showroom or in a brochure.

Please. let me off this merry-go-round! Round and round and round we go. The same routine day in and day out. It's a vicious circle. It's not even slowing down so that you can step off.

I understand everything that I've just said because I've been there and done that.

Missed out on family fun. Traveling to and from the JOB in the dark. Daytime spent inside a stuffy office staring at a computer and a wall. I got to know every crack in that wall after 20 years. I wanted more out of life, so I pretended that I could pay for the material things that I thought I needed. Guess what happened....maxed out credit cards. Then borrowing from Peter to pay to say. Waiting for a raise from the boss at the job so I could have more, But, then more taxes came off my check so that meant no extra cash. This was a lose, lose situation. I felt like I was continuously banging my head against the wall but not knocking any sense into it.

I had to do something to stop this merry-go-round. A thought crept came to my head, I guess from banging it so much. I started to walk in the opposite direction that the merry-go-round was spinning in. Everyone else on it was tugging at me to stop and turn back around, but I kept going in other direction. I began to see things in a different light. New visions were coming in my mind and I began to walk faster. I then stumbled onto the incredible world of internet marketing. Imagine working from home with your own successful home based business! I was on my way to finding a new path that was filled with light and wonder.

My first venture was with a health and wellness MLM business. I truly still believe in the products and the company, however, I felt as though I was babysitting adult children. Building a downline large enough to keep my path lit was next to impossible for a newbie like me. Without the proper guidance and training the lights go dim and sometimes go out for good. But I am determined to follow my path and keep it bright. I knew that there had to better way to continue my journey and that would be something we all need to keep ourselves growing.

I began to research and follow successful people with a strong torch to keep their path bright and clear. There must be something that these people are doing right. Then I realized what that was. It was knowledge. Education is the key to success in anything that one chooses. There are many internet marketing companies out there that promise a get rich quick trick, but that's exactly what is. A trick to get your money. Another word for these tricks is scams. Beware, if sounds to good to be true, it usually is.

During my studies of these successful entrepreneurs, everything began to change for me. I found a way to stop the Rat Race Merry-Go-Round, jump off and enable myself to head straight down my path with a well lit torch and plenty of fuel to keep it burning the rest of my life. I found a system. A real top tier direct sales internet marketing business that is unique, genuine, has a proven system that actually has up to date, on going, professional training and support from the same people that I was studying. Imagine, I am working with the people that I envied.

My path will have many turns and obstacles along the way, but nothing is stopping me now. I am living a life of new challenges and excitement everyday. My family time is now quality time. I see the day light while standing outside, not through an office window. I am traveling more and my debt is taming down. I don't have that car I want yet, but that's just around the next bend of my path.

If you are looking to jump off that merry-go-round, do it. Just do it now. Don't wait for it slow to down or be safe to jump. Take the leap today and light your own path.

I am reaching my hand out to you. Grab it and I will show you how to get started by introducing you to a phenomenal system that will enable you to keep your torch lit.

Virginia Wild

For more tips on internet marketing, visit my blog:


Tags: better life style, internet marketing home based bu, internet marketing home business, internet scam, professional training, proven system, quality family life style, rich life style, successful entrepreneurs, top producers online business, top tier direct sales business, WORK FROM HOME

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