Vision Help Foundation Brings Running Water to Haiti Community for First Time

Community Water system Installation

Recently, Vision Help Foundation spearheaded a program that brought running water to a Haitian community that previously had no access to water service. VHF purchased pipe and materials, then enlisted the help of local residents in creating a modern water pipeline. Now, the community has healthy running water for the first time.

Previously, residents were forced to haul water from sources 30 to 35 minutes from their home. This was often done by hand, carrying containers back and forth.

"It can sometimes be hard to believe people still have to live without running water. That is why we made this one of our early projects for bringing safe water and sanitation to communities around the world," said VHF founders.

The new community water system was built in the mountain village of Lavaud. It is home to 2,000 residents with some members living 45 minutes from the nearest water source.

St. Louis-based Vision Help Foundation partnered with a local government water management organization. Nearly everyone in the community pitched in to help.

Safe, running water is considered essential for modern quality of life and proper sanitation. The new community water system makes it far easier to cook, clean, and properly hydrate in the warm tropical environment.

"This completed project is the first major step toward fulfilling our vision of safe water and sanitation for communities in need. Our generous donors make this possible," said VHF founders.

VHF is hoping to install more community water systems around the world, but first needs donations to buy materials. The group is a registered non-profit.

VHF has worked extensively in the St. Louis area and in Haiti to bring better health awareness and education. They have been involved in efforts to show residents how to stay safe from coronavirus infection.

Learn more about Vision Help Foundation and support their non-profit activities at

Source: Vision Help Foundation


Tags: coronavirus, coronavirusawareness, coronavirushaiti, watermanagement, waterquality, waterresources, watersupply

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Vision Help Foundation has been organized to provide educational programs for the general public. More specifically, the organization will provide educational programs on public health.